User Interview: JPtheOG lyrics
by Genius Users
Tabby Kat: so, tell about yourself? What got you into music? Who are your favorite artists?
JPtheOG: imma get real deep on this one
My Life got me into music. through all the ups and downs i was always listening to music. it helped get me through the hardest times in my life. i was always taking in every song i hear to help distract me from whats goin on. kind of like video games. its just an escape from reality that i really need sometimes
but my favorite artists rn off the top of my head are tyler the creator, westsidе gunn, frank ocean partynextdoor, drake, lvsum, piеro piccioni and more that i cant think of rn
bruh i just realized i forgot to spell check
Tabby: Thats alrigt lol,
what’s the first song you remember hearing?
JP: kiss kiss by chris brown. that ho go STUPID
i was like 4 years old or younger when i remember hearing it.
its either that or wall to wall by chris brown. that joint also GO STUPID
Tabby: What track is your current obsession?
JP: minding mine by lvsum. hes this one fire producer who got these 2 rappers on one of his beats and that joint is crazy fire. and on soundcloud he replaced the og version with a new one with a even better verse
he also reppin the home state nj
Tabby: Nice
what got you into producing?
JP: i just needed a way to get my feelings out. and i cant really rap at all. im not that good a singer so yeah. i just make sh*t on my phone, my guitar or my piano and if its good i post it
are all these music questions? i was hoping there was gonna be a wildcard like A or T
Tabby: Alright, I’ll change the subject(might be a little dumb tho)
Play any sports?
JP: i mean u dont have to change up all the questions if u had em planned out or something lol
i do be playin basketball tho. i think of myself as a defending finisher
Tabby: Nice
From your profile pics & verse on end of the world, you seem to be a bit of an anime nerd. Can you you tell me about that?
JP: aye bruh lets get one thing straight
i aint no anime nerd. i am simply a man of culture.
i only started watching anime when i was young cuz my older cousins always watched naruto and dragon ball z and i wanted to know what all the hype was about. and it opened up a whole new world frfr. its basically just the same shows we all watch but animated and made in japan. i think everyone would love anime if they found the right one tbh.
Tabby: Sorry, lol, I called you nerd cuz Im a but of comic book nerd, & I forget sometimes that not everyone likes that label.
Anyway, have you played the Dragon Ball Z games? What do you think of those?
JP: just feel like it has a negative connotation to it. none of us are nerds we are all just men women and people of culture.
i have played many dragon ball z games not alot of the early ones but i played alot of the new ones like Dragon Ball FighterZ and Dragon Ball Xenoverse 1 and 2. i also the gacha game DBZ Dokkan Battle on my phone sometimes
Tabby: "i just feel like it has a negative connotation to it. none of us are nerds we are all just men women and people of culture."
Thats fair.
Anyways, what animes do you currently keep up with?
JP: im almost done with toradora. im fs simping for taiga aisaka. maybe cuz im a sub. i still need to finish gurren lagan ,bleach and fairy tail tho
welp might as well just keep that part just cuz
Tabby: Dont worry, Ill leave the sub part out of the lyrics lol
How long have you been on genius? how did you come across the site?
JP: nah keep it its funny
i been usin it since like february.
theres a funny story on how i came here tho. i was looking up the lyrics to i dont love you anymore by tyler the creator and someone mislabeled the parts of the song. i know this cuz tyler describes the bridge in a tweet as the part with charlie wilson and solange. but on the genius page its labeld as verse 2. when i tried to change it said i need more iq. so i grinded up 600 iq and when i tried to change it some n*gga rejected it. and i was lowkey p*ssed cuz they literally had the tweet linked in the about section at the time. then i went to the home page and saw forums. and in my mind i was like “bruh wtf is a forum?” so i clicked on that and it was all a blur from there
Tabby: I like that story
Howd you get up to 600 IQ? How long did that take?
JP: ion even remember. even if i remembered what the link to the iq tracker was i didnt start using it until i was at around 1k so idk
Tabby: Alright then…
Outside of hip-hop and R&B, what do you listen to the most?
JP: Ilisten to some JPop here and there. mainly from this one producer called Moe Shop. he makes like these beats that are like edm but they got super hard percussion and the patterns of the percussion and chords he uses are very jazzy and funky. and he gets mfs to rap over them joints too
Tabby: Nice, Ill have to check those out sometime
You into movies?
JP: only movies that i really actively await are anything in the MCU. i do like lots of animated movies tho.
Tabby: What’s your favorite marvel movie so far?
JP: infinity war always hit different. that mf thanos was mad clean.
Tabby: Agreed
What do you think of Thor joining The Guardians Of The Galaxy?
JP: thor the goat. rip to big homie yondu.
Tabby: f you had said Rocket, this interview wouldve been over lol
Guardians is one of my all time favorite movies & comics, & Rockets the best character (accroding to me)
Anyways, have you read any of the comics?
JP: of course. rocket is the goat. if that mf peter quill had just stopped being a baby for like 12 seconds they woulda got the gauntlet off
i dont read that many comics at all. i do have 2 issues of the new 52 flash tho cuz i liked the CW tv show alot but them joints costed 20 bucks each
Tabby: Do you prefer Marvel or DC?
JP: dc has better tv shows (besides luke cage) and marvel has WAAAAYYYY better movies
Tabby: I can drink to that
Whats the best DC tv show?
JP: fs either teen titans or batman beyond. best live action one is arrow
Tabby: The teen titans from 2010?
JP: the og one not the new one. the new one isnt really bad when you think about the fact that they are making it for young kids.
Tabby: I agree with that statment completley. The og one helped raise my brother & I when we were whitetrash motherf*ckers living in northern Arizona
Anyways, Hwat do you think of whats on TV now vs 2010, when Teen Titans was on?
JP: eh. i dont watch that much live tv nowadays. but kids are watching tv at alot younger than before so if what played back in the day played today they would probably get bored
Tabby: Thats fair
Do you have any interesting stories from concerts or shows you’ve been to?
JP: never been to one b4. i know its sad but i always wanted to go to a sheck wes concert so i could hear them play mo bamba on those big ass speakers
Tabby: That would be fun
Here’s a weird question: Have you ever fallen out of a 1st story window? If so, how & why?
Im asking cuz I did when I was little
JP: nah but i did bust my head open and get stitches AND i accidentally took a sip of hydrogen peroxide in the same day
Tabby: "in the same day"
Murphy’s law much?
JP: not my fault. hydrogen peroxide looks ALOT like sprite
Tabby: Was it in a container or a glass or something?
JP: it was just chillin in a glass cup. and i asked my mom if i can have some sprite and she was like ye then i drank it and was like “EEEEWWWWW THATS NASTY” thats exactly why i refuse to drink seltzer water. cuz it tastes just like peroxide
Tabby: How old were you?
JP: like 4 or 5
Tabby: Did you have to go to the hospital or anything?
JP: nah but the paramedics had to come back to my house after giving me stitches afew hours b4 and see if i was good
Tabby: I bet they were p*ssed
JP: i dont even remember. ill i remember from that day is spinning around thinking i was gonna fall on the couch but falling on the fireplace, my grandma stopping the bleeding with a pile of dunkin donuts napkins and peroxide sippin
Tabby: Those are some weird details
Thanks for doing this interview, it was fun
JP: yessir
thanks for interviewing me.
Tabby: Of course
JP: in conclusion:
only simp for 2d b*tches
free storme
read skarpworld
and kdot got more hits and better hits than french
good day