​half ghoul lyrics


Genius Users

BenRodz: Welcome to the interview!

half ghoul: thank you for having me!

BenRodz: You just recently got re-Editored right?

half ghoul: Yes, I regained my editor role about 3 months ago

BenRodz: Awesome!
Tell us how that came about

half ghoul: The main reason why I was de-editored was because of improper sourcing, so once an improvement was seen, I regained the role again.
I wasn't told prior that I was going to get my role back, I just looked in my "Me" tab and saw "Jay Evans made you an еditor" and I was very confused.

BenRodz: Bеing de-editored can be tough
But I'm so glad that you were able to regain your role!

half ghoul: Yeah, but I wasn't really upset about it, though. I took my time getting the role back, so I didn't get it back until over a year later.

BenRodz: That's good to hear. Taking time out to reflect on what happened and focusing on bettering that wrong can definitely help.

half ghoul: And it also gave me a chance to take a break from Genius, which I think I definitely needed.
I wasn't really active in the months following my de-editoring

BenRodz: Awesome. Yeah I've known a few people myself included that took a break from Genius, and to be honest once I came back from it, I felt refreshed.
Taking time out to focus on in real life things is always good to do.
half ghoul: I really started being active again in March 2020. Around that time I rediscovered horrorcore music, and I spent a lot of time cleaning up the Genius pages for various artists in the genre.

BenRodz: That's dope!
Tell us a little bit more about horrorcore music

half ghoul: Best way I could describe it: disgusting

BenRodz: :laughing:

half ghoul: I'm not even really sure why I like it, I originally discovered it during my edgy teen years so it very much appealed to me at the time.
But years later, I still find myself enjoying it.

BenRodz: I think we can all relate somewhat to that.

half ghoul: The subject matter is usually very dark, very violent, which is why it is also commonly known as "Gore Rap"

BenRodz: Very interesting

half ghoul: Indeed

BenRodz: Do you have any favorite artists?

half ghoul: I'm not exactly sure.
During the summer, I moved somewhat out of the horrorcore cycle I was stuck in and found a new obsession: hyperpop

BenRodz: Ah okay. I remember you mentioning hyperpop.
half ghoul: Specifically glitchcore hyperpop, also known as digicore. I was first introduced to the genre by an artist who was in my friend's music collective at the time.
I found the extremely bright and fast beats with emotive lyrics and vocals glitches so interesting

BenRodz: Looll. There seems to be so many different genres.
Hmm, interesting. I might have to check it out sometime.
I'm always down to check something out I normally wouldn't listen to.

half ghoul: So after a brief hiatus, I came back and started working on Genius hyperpop a lot.
And that's mainly what I've been working on since.

BenRodz: Awesome!
Are there any projects coming out that you're excited for?

half ghoul: No, not in particular.
But the community is so large, there's almost always at least one drop every few days

BenRodz: That must be pretty dope.

half ghoul: I try not to associate with the community,, because the community is sadly really toxic, but I peacefully observe.

BenRodz: Ahh okay, I gotcha.
Sadly there are several communities that are like that.

half ghoul: A lot of the people doing hyperpop are young kids as well. Some of the most influential artists in the genre are only about 13-14
BenRodz: Wow that's really young for an artist.

half ghoul: Yeah, and that's why the community being so toxic is really unfortunate. So the only way I contribute to the community is through Genius.

BenRodz: Gotcha. Yeah teenagers can be pretty difficult to deal with. (Sorry to those of you reading this who are a teenager)

half ghoul: Some of them aren't even teenagers. The thing that made me leave the community entirely was when I heard one 11 year old, yes, 11 year old artist was swatted over rude remarks to another artist.
But that's enough about that. What other questions do you have?

BenRodz: Wow that's crazy.
Tell us a little bit about what made you join Genius

half ghoul: I don't remember exactly, I think I was reading lyrics and once I realized that you could annotate lyrics and explain their meaning, I decided that I would make an account.

BenRodz: Gotcha. So how long have you been on Genius?

half ghoul: A little over 2 years now

BenRodz: Awesome.
I remember seeing you around as a Whitehat.
Did you ever interact with Ewok?

half ghoul: I did. I was actually going to quit Genius until he messaged me asking if I wanted to be an editor.

BenRodz: Ahh that is definitely Ewok. Glad to hear you decided to stay!
How many people have you mentored into Editorship?

half ghoul: I was in the middle of being mentored by Ewok when everything with him happened. I waited a while to start getting mentored again out of respect for him and then started working with @sitzpinkler.
After only two or so weeks with Sitzpinkler, I gained the editor role

BenRodz: Wow, that must've been a bit of a blow to have all of that unfold during your mentoring process.
Ahh good old Sitzpinkler, he was my mentor for a bit as well.
Even though he's retired, he's still one of the best mentors there ever was.

half ghoul: Oh, I didn't know that he had retired.

BenRodz: Yeah, he stepped down from the Moderator role and has since retired.

half ghoul: Wow, I had no idea.

BenRodz: Yeah. I think he retired to focus more on his personal life and goals.
When he was mentoring me, I believe he was in College or something.

half ghoul: Oh, alright.

BenRodz: So how many people have you mentored into Editorship?

half ghoul: Only one fully, that being @emikael. But I did also help with the mentoring of @discomm

BenRodz: That's awesome. You must've been happy to see how @emikael has progressed on the site.

half ghoul: Yeah, it makes me really happy.

BenRodz: Awesome.
So what other genres of music do you like working on/listening to?

half ghoul: I also really like screamo rap or trap metal.
It's currently in the middle of a resurgence in popularity.

Tell us a bit about screamo rap and trap metal

half ghoul: It's pretty much exactly what it sounds like: It's rapping, but with a yelling or screaming delivery.

BenRodz: Haha, gotcha.
Do you have any favorite artists?

half ghoul: Not exactly, I don't know if I'd be able to name my top favorite artists.

BenRodz: Fair enough.

half ghoul: I might be a little biased in saying this, but I very much like the artist Poshchild. I met him through transcribing his lyrics on Genius and we've since become good friends.

BenRodz: Awesome!
It's always dope to be able to connect with an artist on Genius.
Tell us a little bit about you

half ghoul: I'm not really sure what to say about myself.
This is a question I've always had trouble answering.

BenRodz: Likes/dislikes?

half ghoul: Likes: music, sleeping, food
Dislikes: having to move, the outside world in general

BenRodz: Cool.
Favorite food?

half ghoul: Lime Chili Shrimp ramen

BenRodz: Sounds really good.

half ghoul: It is.

BenRodz: What do you usually do when not on Genius?

half ghoul: I like to make beats. I usually just sit down all day making beats until I go to bed.

BenRodz: That's pretty cool.
Do you sell any of your beats?

half ghoul: No, I don't, I'm not really worried about making money, so I usually give my beats to my friends who make music or put them on YouTube under "free for profit."

BenRodz: That's cool!
What's one thing you look forward to happening the most for this year?

half ghoul: Nothing really, I'm just kind of living life and dealing with things as they come.

BenRodz: Sounds like a good way to go about things.
How was last year for you?

half ghoul: It was fairly decent.

BenRodz: Were there any setbacks for you?

half ghoul: No, I don't think so.

BenRodz: Awesome.
I think that pretty much wraps our interview.
Thank you for agreeing to have me as your interviewer, and for being an awesome interviewee.
I'll be posting this when I get a chance to.

half ghoul: Alright, thank you for having me!

BenRodz: You're welcome!
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