Isabelle Hammonds lyrics


Genius Users

Isabelle Hammonds: Okayy, first question?

yes, it's boostyy: So, what made you come on Genius? You know, as a user?

Isabelle Hammonds: Well, I had been on here quite a bit before I actually signed up. I was reading the lyrics to some Hamilton songs and I saw that something was spelled wrong. It made me extremely angry. So, I signed up and fixed it. Well, I proposed an edit that I still don’t know if it’s been merged or not. I’ll have to go check that out when we’re done here.

yes, it's boostyy: Well, it probably depends on the time that’s passed since you sent it. If it’s been a long time ago, it’s probably been accepted already.

Isabelle Hammonds: Yeah, you’re probably right😂

yes, it's boostyy: But, next question. How’d you become verified? For me, NoNameBoyy just asked me if I wanted to sync my artist account to this one.

Isabelle Hammonds: I applied for verification a little over a month ago after I finished my first album. I still don’t know who verified me though. All these other people who got verified are talking about who verified them and giving the person who verified them a shout out, but then there’s me just sitting here like, “Uhhh, can’t relate?”

yes, it's boostyy: I mean, we have that in common. Can’t relate to your story either, LOL

Isabelle Hammonds: Yeah, I figured as much😂

yes, it's boostyy: Moving on the next question: What’s your favorite style of music? You can probably tell mine from my bio.

Isabelle Hammonds: Or your profile picture, Carti’s a G, ngl. But ANYWAY… Uhhh, I can’t choose. I like all kinds of music. Rap, Pop, Country, Broadway, you name it. I just love music. But opera music makes me wanna cry. I will never listen to that willingly. I also try to say away from, as PizzaIzLif3 so perfectly said it, porn rap.

yes, it's boostyy: *cough cough* WAP *cough cough* I can understand why you don’t like opera music. It’s literally like they’re singing at like 999 hZ.

Isabelle Hammonds: Yeah, exactly. Opera music is bad, ong.
yes, it's boostyy: Alright, next question. What do you think about the Ewok situation? I think it’s pretty complicated, but I kinda understand.

Isabelle Hammonds: What Ewok situation? I’m kinda lost…

*boost told Isabelle the situation about Ewok*

Isabelle Hammonds: Awhhhh, that’s sad. He was a legend.

yes, it's boostyy: Yeah. It’s sad that he quit after too. I think that most of the Genius community knows about him at this point. But, on to a more positive point. What’s your biggest inspiration on Genius?

Isabelle Hammonds:My biggest inspiration would have to be ScopeY. He’s amazing and he’s helped me so much

yes, it's boostyy: Same here. He’s made the community come together like, so much times, it’s amazing.

Isabelle Hammonds: Couldn’t have said it better myself.

yes, it's boostyy: Speaking of ScopeY, what’s your favorite “Get Involved!” page, and why?

Isabelle Hammonds: Vol. 5 hands down, because it’s the one I’ve been the most involved with. What about you??

yes, it's boostyy: It’s the same for me. I’ve been involved in Vol. 4 too, though.

Isabelle Hammonds: I joined Genius in late November, so I wasn’t really involved in that one.

yes, it's boostyy: Oh, so you joined recently? Didn’t know that.
Isabelle Hammonds: Very.

yes, it's boostyy: Very very. Anyways, next question. What your favorite song that you’ve made?

Isabelle Hammonds: Worth My Time, Suddenly, or Aphrodite. Or Worship. Worship was my self-righteous track. Some guys see a pretty face and think that they can take advantage of it. I may be young, but I’m not naive. And as Maggie Lindemann so perfectly says it, “I’m not just a pretty girl.”

yes, it's boostyy: 📠 , no printer.

Isabelle Hammonds: And I have no idea what that means🤦🏼‍♀️ 😂

yes, it's boostyy: Fax (Facts), no printer.
Get it?

Isabelle Hammonds Ohhhh, I get it now. I’m a blonde, so I get a free pass. Or twelve…

yes, it's boostyy: LOL. Next question: How’s the new quarantine going? I’m just chillin, honestly.

Isabelle Hammonds: B.O.R.I.N.G. No cap. I live in the country, I don’t have a phone, and I live 20 minutes outta town. So… yeah.

yes, it's boostyy: Wait- wait, wait, wait, wait, wait…. you don’t have a phone?

Isabelle Hammonds: Nope. My parents are meanies. I have to pay for it myself, which I have the money to do. But i have to have a job. And my parents won’t let me get a job until this summer. It’s embarrassing, I know. I’m in high school and I don’t have a phone. It’s a real shame, smh

yes, it's boostyy: Eek. Hope you get one soon, because, aheh- gen Z is prolly' THE most reckless generation. 🚫 🧢 . Has anybody called you out on that yet? Because, if not, I’ll be surprised.

Isabelle hammonds: Me too. I like the clever use of emojis, btw😂🤦🏼‍♀️ And, no, not really lol. Everybody’s really understanding about it.
yes, it's boostyy: Oh, alright. Question next: Do you have anything that you’re working on? I mean, creativity wise. Like, songs and stuff.

Isabelle Hammonds: Maybe… Yes. I am. I’m making a collab album with a few of the users on here. I thought it would be fun. Like an Ed Sheeran type deal, ya know?

yes, it's boostyy: Yeah, that’s a cool idea. But, at the same time, there have been people who’ve done that already. Like, there’s the Level Up one, and the cyphers too, but they’re based on hip hop. And I’m pretty sure yours is gonna be like any genre.

Isabelle Hammonds: Yup, you’re right on the ball with that one. Any and pretty much every genre

yes, it's boostyy: Even “ska”?

Isabelle Hammonds: What’s that?

yes, it's boostyy: "Ska is a music genre that originated in Jamaica in the late 1950s and was the precursor to rocksteady and reggae. It combined elements of Caribbean mento and calypso with American jazz and rhythm and blues. Ska is characterized by a walking bass line accented with rhythms on the off beat." via Wikipedia

Isabelle Hammonds: Ohh, yeah, probably not. That’s why I said “pretty much”

yes, it's boostyy: Oh. Well, then. Last question: What do you love about Genius in general?

Isabelle Hammonds: The atmosphere, hands down. Everyone is so friendly here. Y'all have become like a second family to me. You’re all so supportive and kind. Even if you like broccoli (just saying). Thank you all so much for everything you’ve done. Not only for me, but for anyone and everyone who is or isn’t a part of this wonderful community.

yes, it's boostyy: Alright, that’s gonna wrap it up! Thank you for letting me ask you some questions! Shoutout to Isabelle, and shoutout to Genius. See you whenever I see you. Peace!

Isabelle Hammonds: Thank you for taking time out of your day to do this. It means a lot.

yes, it's boostyy: No problem!
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