0rganiz3d_cha0z lyrics


Genius Users

**angelicat_uwu**: Ok first question if you’re ready?

**0rganiz3d_cha0z**: Yep.

**angelicat_uwu**: How are you right now? And how was your start to 2021?

**0rganiz3d_cha0z**: Honestly, I’m feeling pretty good. I feel like the start of 2021 was a lot of drama, nothing really changed as much as I thought it would though.

**angelicat_uwu**: Good, good! Glad you’re well – and I definitely agree with that. So how have you been coping with the ongoing Covid pandemic?

**0rganiz3d_cha0z**: To be honest, I’ve had a few scary close calls. Family that I’d see like the day before, after leaving they’d call my mom like 3 days later, saying they were tested positive for Covid. It’s really scary. Lucky, I got tested and found that I did not have it (and don’t have it).

**angelicat_uwu**: Oof – that does sound pretty scary… Glad you’re safe, let’s hope we all are! So… What are your aspirations for this year?

**0rganiz3d_cha0z**: Just hoping that I don’t fail my class. The end of school is in two weeks, I have tests. It’s pretty nerve racking. Also, I’m actually moving to Seattle this year, I hope I can get used to it there. I mean, I have family here too and friends. I’m pretty different from others (annoying) and hope can find people who are equally different (again, annoying).

**angelicat_uwu**: Ah! Well, as a soon-to-be fellow Washingtonian, I’d like to say welcome in advance! And I’m wondering, what is your point of origin? Like, ethnicity lol.

**0rganiz3d_cha0z**: Thank you very much! And lol, yeah, I’m black. I live with my mom and her boyfriend. I’ve actually never met my dad.

**angelicat_uwu**: Oh! That’s kinda cool, actually!
And I see in your bio that you write stories! So I’m wondering, what’s your favorite story you’ve written?

**0rganiz3d_cha0z**: So, I’m writing this book about Covid if it were a zombie apocalypse. Even though it’s a scary thought, I thought it would bring light to our whole situation. I haven’t finished yet, but I hope to one day, and it’ll be on bookshelves everywhere.

**angelicat_uwu**: Ooh! That sounds really cool – if you don’t mind I might like to read that, it’s fine if it’s not finished though…
So, any other interesting facts you wanna share about yourself?
**0rganiz3d_cha0z**: Yeah, actually. I think one day I want to make my own anime. I’ve been told that since I’m not japanese, I can’t, but honestly I only really want the style of anime. Sure, I want to go to Japan someday, but not for the qualification to make an anime. Why’s it got be because I’m not this specific race? That’s almost like saying you can’t sing a spanish song, if spanish isn’t your native language.

**angelicat_uwu**: That is so true – and besides, I bet that you could make one kickass anime ;D. So, what are your more specific likes and dislikes?

**0rganiz3d_cha0z**: Thank you! I have a lot inspiration for it too. You almost sound like a Get Involved Topic. Kidding, lol. I obviously like anime, any type to be honest. I’m also officially a gleek. I like a lot of skits, sketch comedy, one that comes to mind is SNL. I don’t like horror movies, (Chuckie, The Hug, etc.) broccoli can go suck a small pee pee, romantic movies also make me cringe, I also think that Diary of A Wimpy Kid and Harry Potter are boring and overrated, but then again I like Dork Diaries.

**angelicat_uwu**: Anime is pretty cool, though I’ve never seen Glee lol. And on a deeper note… Worst fear? If you don’t mind, that is.

**0rganiz3d_cha0z**: Sorry, it’s really long. Typing… I mean… dying, (someone I really care about dying included) spiders, holes (trypophobia, but who doesn’t?), being alone. Dying isn’t bad, it’s going to happen at some point. It’s almost like a deep slumber, which if you like sleeping all day like me, might not be so bad, but then it goes to my fear of being alone, if there is no heaven or hell, we’re done. No afterlife. Nothing. Sorry, that was deep. Spiders: Bane of my existence. My friend got bit by one and described what it looked and felt like, “b*tch, how the hell is that gonna help?” So, yeah, didn’t help when we were trying to find the spider we lost. Holes: This sh*t makes my skin crawl. It’s weird as hell. I just can’t take it. And I feel like if I scratch my skin any more, it’ll bleed. Then, my friend we’ll show me a pic of something like that, and say, “I’m trying to help you get over your fear,” like, “b*tch, no you’re not, you’re trying to f*cking mess with me and I don’t like it.” Anyways, that’s that.

**angelicat_uwu**: Oh, I definitely understand your fears – I’m sure a lot of people share them, including myself.
So what are your goals for your Genius account?

**0rganiz3d_cha0z**: I want to slowly work my way up to 10,000 IQ, ya know? Maybe work hard to become a moderator. I thought you had to have a certain amount of IQ to become one, but I felt foolish when I learned that’s not how it works, so you live, you learn, and then you cry later because now you actually have to do stuff lol.

**angelicat_uwu**: Sounds accurate! Well, I hope you reach your goal! So. How did you get started on Genius? Did someone introduce you, or did you find it yourself..?

**0rganiz3d_cha0z**: I found it myself. I was looking up lyrics for Carole and Tuesday songs, and Melanie Martinez. But as far as making an account, I made an account, so I can put my input into songs.

**angelicat_uwu**: Interesting… Favorite pages, forums, etc.?

**0rganiz3d_cha0z**: Well, probably Get Involved because it’s the only forum I go on lol. And now in days, the topics are the only song pages I go on too.

**angelicat_uwu**: Same, same… And your proudest achievement?
**0rganiz3d_cha0z**: Honestly, I’ve only transcribed 3 songs, so probably not that lol. To be honest, probably get to 1,000 IQ, I mean, I joined around the end of least year sitting on 100 and then I got to 3,000 in like 3 weeks. Get Involved is really good way to earn IQ and get new friends, so that helped a lot.

**angelicat_uwu**: Yes, I definitely agree – and Get Involved is really fun, too! Speaking of, what do you think of this community here?

**0rganiz3d_cha0z**: I like everyone! Everyone’s really nice. They’re also very funny. I kinda like when we get into debates, because it’s nice to see everyone’s opinions and what they think. Whether it’s an unpopular opinion, or the fact that Izzy doesn’t like broccoli. Also, you guys can turn the most heaviest of thinking into something funny.

**angelicat_uwu**: I concur! It’s also amazing to see people from so many cities and countries throughout the world! How long do you plan to stay on Genius? Any certain IQ level you want to hit before retiring?

**0rganiz3d_cha0z**: I want to get to at least maybe to 100,000. But, I definitely don’t plan on leaving soon. I like it here. Also, I wanna see who’s going to “inherit” Get Involved if(cause we all know damn well he probably won’t) ScopeY retires. Even if I retire, I’ll come back now and then.

**angelicat_uwu**: Nice answer – and who would your least favorite music genre or artist be?

**0rganiz3d_cha0z**: Least favorite music genre: Definitely country. Lil Naz X did not make it any better with his damn “Old Town Road”.
Least favorite artist: Cardi B. I’m not going to say it’s cause she “porn raps” cause Doja Cat does too and I love her, but I think she over-sexulizes her music. Almost all of it is about sex. It kinda almost sounds innocent when Doja does it, which I think is mainly because of her voice. But, Cardi isn’t very subtle.

**angelicat_uwu**: You’re pretty right on those points – so I definitely agree with ya on that too! Well, it seems I’ve run out of questions, haha… I mean, any closing thoughts to share?

**0rganiz3d_cha0z**: Nah, not really. Other than, may this Genius year be a good one, and let all remain the badasses we are!

**angelicat_uwu**: Whoo! Well, take a bow and have an amazing rest of your day! Good-bye, and live long and prosper :)

**0rganiz3d_cha0z**: Hell yeah! Same too you!
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