❤️ ​​​ilomilo ❤️ (marshmilo) lyrics


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tbh_laci: okay, deep breaths. grab some popcorn and panera bread mac and cheese because this might take long. so how has your day been mr. milo-chan?

nastymajesty: PANERA MAC AND CHEESE YESS!! my day has been good, i'm loving the verified life lmao.

tbh_laci: true, and you get tons of iq for verifying lyrics.

nastymajesty: yeah, well, #don'tiqgame, kids!! (says the kid, COUGH)

tbh_laci: important question: what’s your favorite food?

nastymajesty: YOU REALLY PREDICTED THIS.. it's panera bread mac and cheese. it's just so creamy and gooey and like eating a cheesy cloud. (is that weird? it's probably weird lmao)

tbh_laci: yeah, i’d have to say anything cheese based, and SOFRITA BOWLS FROM CHIPOTLE. they’re bussin bussin.

nastymajesty: i pеrsonally love the burritos from chipotle, soo good..

tbh_laci: yеssss. what do you get on them? i get white rice, black beans, sofritas (plant based meat), sour cream, cheese, corn and lettuce.

nastymajesty: mine is like exactly the same but instead of sofritas, it's chicken, and i think there's queso? or maybe corn salsa instead of just corn? idk, i haven't had chipotle in awhile, sad..

tbh_laci: damn, i just had it two days ago i think. eating chipotle is weekly for me and my family.

nastymajesty: omg, lucky. my family gets qdoba, which is similar to chipotle but i think 'potle's burritos are better, more often than chipotle. we really have been on this same question for awhile, huh? next q, please lmao
oh, and we had qdoba yesterday for dinner lmaoo
tbh_laci: i love qdoba’s queso. anyways nexttt. what’s your style?

nastymajesty: ME TOO THE QUESO IS SUPERB!! idk, really.. i usually just throw whatever on. (CANCELED!!!) but, my style would definitely be a t-shirt and shorts, sometimes with a hoodie, too. plain, ik, but.. hoodies with shorts on hit different imo

tbh_laci: yeah, all the f-boys at my school dress like that (including my crushhhh)

nastymajesty: i’m an f-boy?? ;O;

tbh_laci: lmao not you. but the haircuts, the people they hang out with. certified f-boys.

nastymajesty: oh, mk.. next questionn

tbh_laci: yeah. so you live in wisconsin, right? tell me more about that.

nastymajesty: yes, i do! for one, i'm not a cat, i don't say meow, b*tch i'm a cow. ok, for real, it's kinda great. the summers are hot but not like HOTTT, but the winters are like living in a freezerrrrr.. lmao. also my canadian friend always calls wisconsin "winsconsin" lmao

tbh_laci: lmao. in nc, the winters are like 50 degrees and higher. like we legit wear shorts in december.


tbh_laci: YES IK. but it snowed last year on christmas, but it didn’t stick.

nastymajesty: wtffff it always sticks here, unless it's still fall lmao

tbh_laci: lucky. i used to live in ny where it snowed in august lol.
anyways, next question plz lmao

tbh_laci: okay. what’s your favorite emoji?

nastymajesty: hmm.. probably the shiny gay one (✨) or the crying one (😭) because for the first one, it’s perfect, and for the second one, i use it a LOT.

tbh_laci: omg i love those two! but mine are probably the moaning emojis (😩😫) and the italian hand emoji (🤌)

and the way u said the italian hand emoji made me go "LUCA LUCA LUCA LUCA" i just call it chef's kiss hehe

tbh_laci: yessss. i usually use those emojis when something’s really hot.

nastymajesty: ooh, smexeh. how about one more question?

tbh_laci: okay. last but not least, who is your all. time. favorite. ARTIST.

nastymajesty: the hardest question in the history of the world..
idk man.
doja cat is perfect,
but then, taylor swift was my childhood,
and conan gray and olivia rodrigo are so good,
and billie eilish is the GOAT..
and lil nas x, too..
i think i'll go with conan gray, since he is probably my favorite, and i have the spotify wrapped to prove it. it was so hard, though..
tbh_laci: nice. i don’t listen to him that much, but he’s talented and i love his style. some people at my school were doing heather day and giving each other sweaters. i didn’t get any (probably because the people i hang out with didn’t do it).

nastymajesty: aww, man! well, thanks so much for interviewing me, laci, and i hope i can interview you in the future!

tbh_laci: anytime, thanks for answering my questions so ✨iconically✨

nastymajesty: yw. now, i need to eat dinner, so i’ll brb and we’ll talk later.

tbh_laci: okay byeeee

nastymajesty: bye!
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