Mackned on Seattle, Drugs, GBC, Lil Peep, Getting Clean and the Future (Interview) lyrics
by Mackned
Intro music: *intro*
Flosef_Loc: What's up guys? It's Flosef_Loc, NotMostPeople. We got VintageTy behind the camera, and we are here with Kurt Co-beasy himself.
Intro music: [crosstalk 00:00:12]
Flosef_Loc: A man who needs no introduction: Mackned.
Mackned: What's going on?
Flosef_Loc: Hi dude. Thank you for coming to join us today. So, we got something in common. We're both Seattle dudes.
Mackned: Yep.
Flosef_Loc: You're from the west.
Mackned: Yeah, I'm from West Seattle. I went to school right around the corner.
Flosef_Loc: Salmon Bay?
Mackned: Yeah.
Flosef_Loc: Tell us about growing up in West Seattle and what kind of impact that had on your life.
Mackned: Yeah, so I was born and raised in West Seattle. Like, I played West Seattle little league, I did everything over there. Feel like I never really even came downtown. It's funny 'cause, like, a lot of my friends would be like: "Oh, West Seattle, like, I didn't really know about that 'til I was older," or there's not... in my community how I grew up, it was like, that was like the only place to be, really.
Mackned: West Seattle is a beautiful place, like, I've been in New York for the past six months and I miss New York, but coming home is a good feeling.
Flosef_Loc: They got that cool record store with the breakfast spot there on California.
Mackned: Yeah, actually I did a show there one time.
Flosef_Loc: Oh, you did?
Mackned: Yeah I did one of my album releases there, and it was, like, really cool. I did my Born Rich with Flavr Blue. That place was really tight, and I used to go there as a kid and... like, see like... you know, like my big homie's bands play, or whatever.
Flosef_Loc: Yeah. And you also were a skateboarder, right?
Mackned: Yeah. I mean, I wasn't that good but-
Flosef_Loc: Marshall said you were pretty good.
Mackned: Yeah. I miss Marshall.
Flosef_Loc: Marshall's [inaudible 00:01:17] says hi.
Mackned: Yes, hi.
Flosef_Loc: That's my dude.
Mackned: Um... yeah, Interspace was sick back in the day. But my little brother Miles, he was really good. And Avery was really good.
Flosef_Loc: A lot of that Interspace crew has gone on to just be, like, really interesting people and do a lot of cool stuff.
Mackned: It's really like, uh... You could look at it like an experiment with the youth and I think it worked.
Flosef_Loc: But now he's... now he's gotta turn into ATS and it's just... Marshall's still there [crosstalk 00:01:38]
Mackned: I haven't been there in maybe ten years, actually.
Flosef_Loc: Yeah.
Speaker 3: When's the last time you stepped on a board?
Mackned: A couple of weeks ago.
Speaker 3: Oh, for real?
Mackned: Yeah.
Flosef_Loc: I'm gonna tell you this. So like, I remember meeting you for the first time, it was at a Valentine's Day show with the Sick f*cks, and you were headlining. It was like a Valentine's Day [inaudible 00:01:52] probably...
Mackned: That's right.
Flosef_Loc: 2015, or 14? I'm... I'm not sure which. And, [inaudible 00:01:57] but it was like...
Mackned: Flash house.
Flosef_Loc: I think you were still [inaudible 00:01:58] really.
Mackned: Yeah, like Seattle based.
Flosef_Loc: It was very Seattle based, it was before you got it like... pop... but even then you have a... you have an energy about you that's much larger than life. Like...
Mackned: Yeah. I appreciate that.
Flosef_Loc: Compared to like... I'm not even trying to gas you up, I'm just saying that.
Mackned: Nah, nah, nah. I feel it. Yeah, yeah, no I mean I've always felt comfortable with music. My dad was a musician.
Flosef_Loc: Yeah, I he- I heard, um... I was talking to Lace, and he was telling me that he's the dude that discovered Kenny G, I was actually going to bring that up...
Mackned: Yeah, that's true. Kenny G is my godfather.
Flosef_Loc: What?
Speaker 3: No sh*t.
Flosef_Loc: That's [crosstalk 00:02:29]
Mackned: Which is sick. And like I... I talk... I talked to him like last year...
Flosef_Loc: Yeah.
Mackned: You know, we chat every once in a while. Which is crazy still.
Speaker 3: Yeah.
Mackned: I don't really know if he, like, paid attention to like my career. Which would be kind of cool, if like, we met at some, like...[crosstalk 00:02:41]
Speaker 3: At like...
Mackned: Some, like... en guard like music thing, that'd be tight.
Flosef_Loc: He was like 'What's up?'
Mackned: Yeah.
Speaker 3: Like a collab on a beat, or something.
Mackned: Yeah, that'd be [crosstalk 00:02:47] I... yeah, that'd be sick.
Mackned: I've been making all my own beats recently. I have like two unreleased albums. One is produced, the whole thing, by Fishnark[inaudible 00:02:57]
Flosef_Loc: Uh huh.
Mackned: Um, and one is produced by me. I play like guitar and... [crosstalk 00:03:01]
Flosef_Loc: Yeah. How did you get into rap?
Mackned: I mean, I listened to rap my whole life, especially like with skateboarding, and, like, writing and all that stuff. Like, rap was, like, a pretty big deal in my neighborhood.
Mackned: I really was influenced by the Bay Area a lot.
Flosef_Loc: I was gonna say. So, like, I've listen... I've listened to your music throughout the years, like, going back to, like, the things...
Mackned: Yeah.
Flosef_Loc: But for like the last week, I kind of went over your old discography, and the one thing that stood out to me the most is even from... the beginning where it was kind of like stoner trap, to even now when you're getting more, like, avant garde, like gothy or whatever... I can see a very huge influence from Mack Dre.
Mackned: Oh yeah. I mean I have, like, Islamic tattooed on my arm.
Flosef_Loc: Yeah.
Mackned: That's my religion.
Flosef_Loc: It's a good religion.
Mackned: Islamic.
Flosef_Loc: It's [crosstalk 00:03:43]
Mackned: Uh, I love Mack Dre, yeah. I mean, I grew up listening to Mack Dre, from like seventh to eighth grade listening to Mack Dre.
Flosef_Loc: You have your own spin on it, but I can definitely see, like, a lot of your cadence and a lot of your humor...
Mackned: Yeah, I feel like he wasn't celebrated enough.
Flosef_Loc: He is super underrated.
Mackned: I still feel like, he's like the best rapper of all time, but that's just me.
Flosef_Loc: Me too.
Mackned: Also, I was influenced by like the Jack... The Jacka, rest in peace.
Flosef_Loc: Were you doing stuff with Moregang prior to... to Thrax, or was it kind of like at the same time.
Mackned: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, Nacho really influenced me a lot.
Flosef_Loc: Yeah.
Mackned: Um, and they're all great. Nacho, like, is the reason I like... I'm like a nighttime creature.
Flosef_Loc: Yeah.
Mackned: Like I, I sleep until late. Even like when I'm, like, sober, he was the only person that was like big to me besides like Ben, besides like Macklemore, like nacho was only person that was like big to me, in my scene that I could directly, you know, get involved with and him and Steazy were like the big advocates for me to get into Moregang. I don't even know if I was good enough to be in working at the beginning. Um, but I was like making my own beats and they thought that was really sick.
Mackned: Like, I remember making my first album, I don't know if you guys ever heard it's called Nez World. I produced the whole entire thing. Like I remember sitting at my like parents house, like in the West and just-
Flosef_Loc: Was that, like, on Fruity Loops or was that-?
Mackned: Yeah, fruity loops. I would just sampled tons of music and I was working at [inaudible 00:04:57] I was working at RadioShack. I was like selling Molly out the back.
Flosef_Loc: That's so- I can't imagine you working at a RadioShack.
Mackned: Yeah, I'd sneak Guapo work there too.
Flosef_Loc: Oh that's crazy.
Mackned: I got him a job there too, cause it was, like, me and him working at RadioShack.
Flosef_Loc: And then RadioShack doesn't even exist anymore. He ended that.
Mackned: Yeah, We ran it to the ground.
Flosef_Loc: Crashed the station.
Mackned: Yeah.
Flosef_Loc: How did Thrax House get started?
Mackned: Thrax House started because, uh, I didn't know what Raider Klan was and me and [inaudible 00:05:20], we linked up, we made a song called FYB, like a little beat [inaudible 00:05:24], the beat and he really was into it and we shot a video for it with the first ladies. They were really popping too.
Mackned: Back in the day me and Keith just shot a pop and then we just started this group, like, Thrax House. Like, we're really into, like, little Bian Thrax mix tape and we just like that whole idea. And then- Cause that whole idea to me is like pretty punk. Like, I like it. And then we went to like Witch House, because my brother put me onto Witch House, like, 2010 and I never really found like a, a place I could use that influenced until Stark's House. And then if you listen to that all on my beats they have like deep sense and like just like poser sh*t.
Flosef_Loc: Yeah. [laughs]
Flosef_Loc: Like there were- you just see it everywhere, you see Thrax House [crosstalk 00:06:05]
Mackned: Yeah.
Flosef_Loc: Lots of videos, lots of people. They just, it was very, it was almost like, like a mini like, ASAP mob or something like that.
Mackned: Nah, we were like compared ASAP mob a lot, which is crazy cause Stark's house is like pretty big but, like, Seattle big, you know?
Flosef_Loc: Yeah.
Mackned: Um, and like Arizona and stuff like that. Like I, I loved going down to Arizona with Thrax House, that was sick.
Mackned: That's where GBC started. So, GBC is just pretty much like, the people in Thrax House that wanted to continue by doing a more specific type of music.
Mackned: The wicked phase is like the godfather. Well, Cohart is the first person to ever say GBC. But Wicked Phase and I also where, like, we were making really good like collab songs and our music is pretty different but not anymore to me now, Wicked Phase is like the best, like all around artists.
Mackned: I- Everybody in GBC is like really amazing to me. I always thought it was cool to like merge genres and music, which is kind of like what we did.
Flosef_Loc: It worked out really well for you guys. Didn't work out so well for, like, guys back in the late nineties like Limp Bizkit and all that [crosstalk 00:07:04]
Mackned: Limp Bizkit is original GBC.[crosstalk 00:07:10]
Speaker 3: Frederick's just got dropped kicked on stage by one of the Insane Clown Posse.
Flosef_Loc: Did you-
Mackned: Ah-ha! [laughs]
Flosef_Loc: So, then, GBC- So, like, it's like the cook down Thrax House. It's like the dopest, purest form of it.
Flosef_Loc: And then so how do you even first link with all these people in the first place? Cause you're from Seattle Pally gangstery like rapper you, like, just evolve like on this like crazy trajectory with these other dudes. But how did you first come into contact with all these people?
Mackned: Well, like, first and foremost, like, I don't believe there's like any limits to music.
Flosef_Loc: No.
Mackned: Like, my dad was working with Kenny G so it's like, I dunno, it's like the same thing, you know. And then Net R D is really important. He's like the underground A&R, like, be official one. He got me hooked up with a lot of these people and like once I became cool at [inaudible 00:08:13] you know, do you guys know about Horace? And I'm like, no, the put me on a hair numb. And then I'm like, Oh my God, this is so good. You know what I mean? So, and then things went from there. Yonns, JP, I love JP. f*cking Doves and that Fishnark and me are like best friends.
Flosef_Loc: Well, you live together.
Mackned: Yeah.
Mackned: Cole Heart- Me and Cole Heart. Have been really close lately. He's been out in New York with us as well.
Flosef_Loc: We've talked about your dad a little bit. Do you want to talk about him more? So what- He designed like the [crosstalk 00:08:38]
Mackned: Oh, the King. My dad designed the King County logo, like the little MLK face, uh, which is a big ass deal cause it's on everything County. So, and they actually had changed the County from, uh, a slave owner with a last name of King to Martin Luther King? No. Do you guys remember that? That's a big deal for all of us.
Flosef_Loc: He was a musician too. Like what was he-?
Mackned: Yeah, my dad was a musician. My dad played the Congos and he got started and he was like 18 or 19 and he ended up going on, like, world tour and then he had me and then he decided to do graphic design and my dad just like all around artist. Yeah. Yeah. He passed away a couple years ago due to Alzheimer's.
Flosef_Loc: My dad died when I was 14 and it had a really huge impact on the trajectory of my life.
Mackned: Yeah, it's going to.
Flosef_Loc: Do you feel that as it is or like?
Mackned: Uh, it definitely pushes me to be, like, a better person.
Mackned: I went to, like, outpatient rehab in, like, North Hollywood for like um, opiates or whatever. I've been clean for, like, eight or nine months.
Flosef_Loc: That's sick.
Mackned: Ever since I went. So, that's like a good thing. I feel like my dad, like, got me through that too.
Flosef_Loc: Yeah.
Mackned: I'm not like really into religion but I'm like faithful. Yeah. You know?
Flosef_Loc: Yeah.
Mackned: Just into like something.
Flosef_Loc: There's definitely an energy.
Mackned: Yeah, cause like life has moved me around. I've traveled a lot like due to like frequencies and like music and sh*t. So I'm like really happy about that.
Flosef_Loc: So, drugs and been like- people associate drugs heavily with, like, this group of musicians and-
Mackned: Yeah, we're pretty clean though.
Flosef_Loc: Yeah, I'm so-
Mackned: GVC is especially like, we're really thinking. I mean like we drink and we smoke weed a lot now.
Flosef_Loc: Yeah.
Mackned: Growing up I had a lot of uh, anxiety because I kinda grew up in like a harder neighborhood so, I would smoke a lot, but I would be kind of scared to smoke cause I'd have to fight a lot.
Flosef_Loc: Yeah.
Mackned: I remember one time I, I got into like a fight and I was like really high and I didn't, didn't like it.
Flosef_Loc: No, weed's definitely not good for fighting. Weed- I can't even imagine smoking weed for anxiety because it gives me so much anxiety. I get all weird. I'm like, I feel bad about something. I did in, like, the seventh grade and it's like 15 years later.
Mackned: Okay.
Flosef_Loc: "What am I doing with my life?"
Mackned: It's really helpful for me personally just cause like, I don't know, it's legal. And they're like, it keeps you healthy and just like you want you to just eat food and like think profoundly. I don't know. I really think weed is really good for people.
Flosef_Loc: On the subject of like, opioids, what do you have to say about that?
Mackned: Um, I think the opioid crisis in America is a really big deal. Like I saw something recently that heroin is safer than most pills nowadays. And I completely understand where that's coming from because things are- pills are all pressed, pills are a gateway to heroin, but the pills are dangerous as f*ck. You know what I mean? So, like, that's scary to me. I just had to get out of the game.
Flosef_Loc: I've lost like a ton of friends to it.
Mackned: Yeah me too.
Flosef_Loc: And a lot of them, they weren't even people that you'd even think of as like having problems or drug addicts or like dudes, it like worked out and then they just like partying and then, like, they just, like, died and it's just, like, there's other people that didn't die whose lives are just completely like, f*cked up.
Mackned: I mean it's just not safe. It's literally just not safe.
Flosef_Loc: Yeah.
Mackned: Uh, I started using Vicodin like when I was like 17.
Flosef_Loc: Mm-hmm (affirmative)
Mackned: Um, I remember like one of the best weeks of my life was like when I got my wisdom teeth taken out and they gave me like a whole bunch of like oxys and I told the doctor, I was like, "Yo, the Tylenol and the Oxy makes my stomach hurt." So he just gave me like oxy with no Tylenol, and that way I could take, like, a whole bunch. And that really jump-started, like, my career, hone- honestly.
Flosef_Loc: Because it-
Mackned: I don't know. I got into like a really crazy head space with that sh*t, but it just, you know, it jump-started also like a really bad addiction.
Flosef_Loc: Yeah.
Mackned: You know? Just, it was just like really bad inside. But life goes on.
Flosef_Loc: Life does go on.
Mackned: Yeah.
Flosef_Loc: Did you think that moving to LA had a huge impact on your development and growth as an artist?
Mackned: Yeah.
Flosef_Loc: So how do you come up? You were living with Chicho right before that.
Mackned: Oh, so me and Tracy just packed all our sh*t up and Tracey's manager had bought us a house and then we just went to LA and then, you know, we were in the studio every day and like Tracy had been with Thrax House longer than like, everybody pretty much. Uh, he joined the Thrax House. You're 17. That's why I'm so loyal to Tracy, you know, GBC or if we became NASA, I don't care. Like, you know, I'm always going to be loyal to him, because he's always been loyal to me.
Mackned: We went to LA and f*cking took off. Really.
Flosef_Loc: Yeah.
Mackned: And, like, Peep was down in there because I really had only hanging out with Peep in Seattle and I didn't really, I knew how big it was, but I didn't really know like the impact that we are making as a group until I went there and I stayed with Peep for a couple of weeks and then me and Peep became really close and it was just really tight.
Mackned: I worked with a big head a lot too. He said he's really a good producer. He's like probably one of the best to me, and Genios.
Flosef_Loc: With that, when did you first meet Peep?
Mackned: I have like old DM from Peep and I that are like, really funny, like, talking about, like, him joining the group before I met him. And like I've always kept him like secret and like hidden. And I love that and I'm always gonna do that.
Mackned: He was on tour with Fat Nick actually and he came to my house and I had already knew Fat Nick, so, me and Fat Nick were texting, uh, we met at the show or whatever. And then he spent the night at my house and we made missed calls.
Mackned: That song on American boy. Um, that song got like 100,000 plays overnight. And to me that I was like a big ass deal. Like that's the big deal.
Flosef_Loc: It's a big deal. It's not even just to you. That's a big deal to everyone. That's a stadium. That's about one seventh in Seattle.
Mackned: Yeah. So then we started taking off. That's when I met Pete at my house.
Flosef_Loc: You're in LA and it just had this like impact. You're locked down with people just making music nonstop. Do you feel like there was like a huge growth spurt there for you?
Mackned: Yeah. So then you gotta understand like- GVC is a group of people that got big doing their own thing. We're not really big. We're relatively big. So for like me and Tracy to be in the studio and like learning from each other, me and Peep, me and cold heart, me and horse head, that's a big ass deal. It's like, you know, like a laboratory for like good artists to become better artists and it worked. We still do it.
Flosef_Loc: How would you describe your creative process going into the studio? Like, do you go in there with stuff written?
Mackned: Yeah. Uh, I haven't made music in a while cause I have so much music made. Uh, but like I was in a groove in New York, we had a studio in the house. I kinda just zone out for a couple of days. Usually me and [inaudible 00:14:36] I zone out, I record myself too. Like that one thing that I do really appreciate about music is it gave me an opportunity to learn all the programs. So like I'll always have like a job cause like I can do everything.
Flosef_Loc: It must've been like super devastating cause you guys have like this energy going and [crosstalk 00:14:54]
Mackned: I mean really, really for me, like I didn't even care about the, I'm just like sad. Like I lost like my brother, you know what I mean? And like you guys, you guys got also understand like he's like, a young like, Shakespeare to me. Like he's like the young [inaudible 00:15:08]and like, cause he's like the young [inaudible 00:15:10] in our group besides Tracy. He was just so good and it was just like- What made him good and he would actually hit notes. Yeah he would actually sing but talk about still raw sh*t and I always loved that and it was just really f*cked up.
Flosef_Loc: It must've been like super painful. Like-
Mackned: We all went into like a pretty bad place. Thank God for GBC that we all had each other. And you know like one of those. I was used to losing friends at this point though. Yeah. But this one was different. Blues and Peep was different cause it's just like, you know like your business partner or like my brother just like a lot of- too many.
Mackned: I have too many different types of relationships with him to not be like completely crushed by it. Just really sad. Everybody has to go. Yeah. We have to deal with it. Like we're all going to go. Yeah.
Flosef_Loc: Knowing how painful it is to lose a friend myself, this entire last year, seeing like the hurtful things people say about you. My heart goes out to you. You know what I'm saying?
Mackned: I appreciate that.
Mackned: I mean like it's just all false. Like, to me it's just sad because like, we're not doing like my bro any honor, you know? Like I wish I, I wish we could be cool like, with his family and yet like, you know what I mean?
Flosef_Loc: Yeah.
Mackned: Like, some of the things like racist sh*t and I just don't really respect like a lot of it, it's f*cked up. But like everybody grieves in their own process.
Mackned: My method of getting over that sh*t is that I just ghost dude. I'm still ghost. I'm ghost really on social media. Like you don't really see me on there. I'm not a victim, though.
Flosef_Loc: I know.
Mackned: You know, like I'm not a victim of like bullying or harassment.
Flosef_Loc: Yeah.
Mackned: You know, like, my fans are pretty supportive actually. Like, especially nowadays like, like I can sit here and like pig beef, like a whole bunch of people and say, you know, this person didn't stand up and he knew this and that and it's just like, you see like a lot of the drama going on. Like you see like, Tracy coming at people more recently like with freestyles and sh*t and I respect that. But you know like Tracy Law is like his best friend and just like a Saturday, like people are like turning on us. Like we had something to do with it. Just to losing him as crushing as it is like and then like all these like false accusations, just like why are you guys doing this to us?
Flosef_Loc: Whenever anyone dies young, you see this a lot where people start to, like, point fingers and [crosstalk 00:17:20]
Mackned: And everybody was best friends with everybody and everybody gets tattoos and there's not-
Mackned: People who really didn't even know him. It's just a f*ck up.
Flosef_Loc: This is brutal.
Mackned: Like, I did like, an interview, like rolling stone like, about this and they're like, I don't think it'll ever come out.
Flosef_Loc: Yeah.
Mackned: He was like, sh*t. It was so brutal. Like sh*t can't even come out. He would have wanted a differently, so, that's how GBC tries to act about it.
Flosef_Loc: Yeah.
Mackned: Like we have to keep- I mean it's one of the situations where like we could have easily like turned on each other, but we didn't
Flosef_Loc: You guys have stayed strong.
Mackned: Yeah.
Flosef_Loc: I think, you just dropped it an album, it's super dope. It wasn't hard [inaudible 00:17:52]but, like, recently it was an artist, right?
Mackned: Yeah, I did shop the album. I have two albums like I told you, that are unreleased, so it's music that I really spent a lot of time working on.
Flosef_Loc: Did you see that thing that's a little nosy side about Seattle rap?
Mackned: You know, when I talked to him about it in person in Chicago a couple months ago.
Mackned: Ooh, touchy subject.[crosstalk 00:18:10] Here we go guys.
Flosef_Loc: Yeah, this is-
Speaker 3: He signed up.
Flosef_Loc: In Seattle, the music, I'm really the only [inaudible 00:18:16]
Flosef_Loc: Make it out there, but other than that, there's nothing going on in Seattle.
Mackned: I think that was a really false statement.
Flosef_Loc: Yeah.
Mackned: I think he knew he made a mistake when he said that. I'm not trying to just protect him, but like honestly he came up to me and that was the first thing he addressed when I seen him in Chicago. At the Tracy Young band show a couple months ago.
Flosef_Loc: What'd he say?
Mackned: And I know him, I know Mosey. I know movie. Yeah. Um, I love little Mosey, that's my n*gga. Mosey is my friend. He was just saying, like- I can't go to Seattle I'm too f*cked up. [inaudible 00:18:43]I'm just like, what'd you do? And I feel like I made that mistake before too. You know, it's hard not to get caught up in your own spotlight or whatever, but like, I think he should've given Nacho credit. I think he should've gave people credit. I don't care about myself. I don't feel like at that time I was considered Seattle popping. I feel like I had already breaking out of that scene, so I didn't take any offense to it and I didn't even know about it until he brought it up with me. Oh yeah. Which is-
Flosef_Loc: Good that we're talking about it.
Mackned: That's honorable ...
Flosef_Loc: Yeah.
Mackned: For him to come out to me and say something, I feel like that's pretty honorable. It's like talking to like di*k Cheney in like the Bush era.
Flosef_Loc: [laughs] it's like, hey-
Mackned: So, like Macklemore has Bush.
Flosef_Loc: Yeah, he sh*t's dope though. Like, I did f*ck with it but I was like, even when I heard that I thought that was super uh-
Mackned: Yeah I talked to Nacho about it after.
Flosef_Loc: Because Seattle does sound like, a pretty strong scene. Um, and there's a lot of interesting people that come out of it.
Mackned: I just, okay, the thing about Seattle is; can you make a living being a star in Seattle?
Flosef_Loc: No.
Mackned: I wasn't making a living off of music being a strong jail or wasn't, I was doing illegal activities to maintain my finances.
Flosef_Loc: Yeah.
Mackned: You know?
Flosef_Loc: It's a good breeding ground for like creativity and whatever. The one thing I've always sort of noticed, I just felt like there was just kind of this lacking cohesiveness.
Mackned: I don't think any city has it together like all the way to the point where there can be like some like, overall cohesiveness. Cause the problem is you work within one city and you have, like, prior beefs. Like a lot of n*ggas I didn't work with specifically because they're like beats and sh*t.
Mackned: Men in general are violent.
Flosef_Loc: And competing personalities, people butt heads and whenever.
Mackned: You have like this like mentality that there's one shot at everything. You know, you grew up in poverty, you know, we're drug addicts. It's not like sh*t gets ugly.
Flosef_Loc: It doesn't get ugly?
Mackned: You know? I fought a lot of n*ggas based on ra- like rap.
Flosef_Loc: Yeah.
Mackned: You know what I mean? Like-
Flosef_Loc: Do you have any advice for people starting out? Like, let's say there's like a 13/14 year old kid on the other end of this camera and he wants to be a rapper.
Flosef_Loc: What kind of advice do you have for him?
Mackned: People need to learn the programs. That's the main thing because you want to be able to record yourself, you know, so like just sit down there. You don't have to go to shoreline, community college to, you know, get into a recurring program. Just f*cking go on YouTube, learn pro tools, try and try again. You know, there's always going to be- the good thing about music is there's always ways to tweak things and make things sound better. What I know approach too is now is different than last year. The year before or the year before, the year before. So on. Like what's the, what's the golden rule about like artistry? Like the first year it's a hobby. Don't expect to make any money. That's true for me. Second year, you know, you'll start to make like food money. Third year, you know, you'll starting to get into more of a career type situation. Then fourth year, you know you'll have a sustainable income.
Mackned: So, I feel like if you're not willing to put four years into it, you shouldn't even really try. I mean that's f*cked up. But this is a serious thing. A lot of my friends have failed in music. A lot of surprising, a lot of my friends are successful and the successful ones are still doing it. You know, you don't just quit music. I think self-awareness is really important. I think that people need to get a, a better grasp with themselves before they try to show the world, you know? Cause like you're gonna have people judging you, people looking at you. I don't know. Life is hard and identity is a f*cking big deal. That's a hard thing to like overcome.
Mackned: We live in an era where there's like- people have anxiety and everybody's medicated and this and that.
Mackned: I understand, but like features are really important. Like pay for features ,uh, I've done a lot of features. You have to spend money to make money.
Mackned: Okay, look at Juice World, Juice World is huge, n*gga. Key stems kinda from like our background. Like I know that he has like our songs on his SoundCloud. I don't know if he still does. He did back in the day.
Mackned: Really, I feel like GPC started at a genre of music. Yeah. There's like a shout out to like smart death. Um, and like Lil Aaron and Lil Zubin cause they're really good at what they do. Actually have some songs with Zubin and smart death that are really good. Also, I think there's something to be said about the mysteriousness of somebody. I feel like I'm pretty mysterious.
Flosef_Loc: You are.
Mackned: And for some reason that works out for me.
Mackned: I want to tell everybody that they need to go vote.
Speaker 3: I got my paper with your dad's a logo [crosstalk 00:22:37]
Intro music: Yeah, you got the ballot? I'm going to post my ballot on Instagram.
Intro music: At first with Donald Trump, I thought it was kinda tight cause I got- I'm a gangster. Donald Trump is just a mafia n***a to me.
Flosef_Loc: Yeah.
Intro music: I mean he is, he has like the same lawyer Colin, he's like a mafia lawyer. But now like I just see him for what he is and he's just like, come on dude, you're like don't plea as*h*le.
Intro music: I dunno like am I liberal? I'm a liberal.
Flosef_Loc: Yeah.
Mackned: We all just kind of like sit around and like kinda not do sh*t. And Republicans are like, out here like wearing Donald Trump shirts. Yeah. You're like if you see a n*gga in a Donald Trump, I'm sure I know you're voting.
Mackned: Kanye. What the f*ck is he doing?
Flosef_Loc: I mean I like to think sometimes that maybe, like this is just like some elaborate act for him to try to gain influence with Trump to like work on issues.
Flosef_Loc: I almost can at this point, but like for a minute like I -this was on and be like give him like the benefit of the doubt. And on the flip side of that, this guy could also be like mentally ill.
Mackned: Yeah.
Flosef_Loc: And he's so big that there's not anyone that can tell like a mentally, mentally ill like- imagine being like out of your mind like bipolar on like a manic episode and you're at the white house. If you wake up a month later and you're like, what the f*ck did I do?
Mackned: Yeah, he's crazy.
Flosef_Loc: You know what I'm saying?
Mackned: Do you guys have any pods?
Mackned: Prove my these not the jam.
Flosef_Loc: I kind like it sometimes reminds me of like cough syrup.
Mackned: Yeah. [crosstalk 00:23:48] I'm not really trying to be reminded of cough syrup.
Flosef_Loc: We have a different [crosstalk 00:23:51]
Mackned: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Mackned: I really appreciate it. Look at that sh*t. Share your Juul pods bro.
Flosef_Loc: Shout out to Juul.
Mackned: I'm have people come through. I wish I was sponsored by Juul.
Flosef_Loc: I think everyone does.
Flosef_Loc: First and foremost I want to give a big thank you to Ned, Mackned. Thank you for coming.
Mackned: Guys, thank you for having me.
Flosef_Loc: Do us a favor. Hit like, hit subscribe. Leave us a comment.
Flosef_Loc: I'm sure we'll have some interesting comments on this one, but I don't give a f*ck. We drop content every Saturday. We got videos coming out. f*ck with us. Baba bababa bababa babum.