He’s Not Here lyrics
by Charlie Daniels
Judas Iscariot, how did you feel
As you watched them take Him away?
And you Simon Peter, what did you think
When you betrayed Him at the break of day?
Did your heart break down inside
From the bitter tears you cried?
Did you think that all was lost
As He hung there on the cross?
Did you think He deceived you
Or did you believe the things
He told you just before He died?
Why'd you run and hide?
John the beloved, where was your heart
As you waited the lonely night through?
Were you afraid now that Jesus was gone
The Romans were coming for you?
Did you cringe in fear and shock
When you heard that fateful knock?
And the shout rang through the room
That He was not in the tomb?
As you ran to the grave
And you entered the cave
And found the stone had been rolled away
What did the angels say?
He's not here, He is risen
He is not among the dead
He has sealed Jehovah's covenant
He has crushed the serpent's head
He has conquered death
Hell and the grave
Now the old debt has been cleared
He's not here, He's not here
Brothers and sisters where will you be
When He makes His triumphant return?
He's calling to you, His salvation is free
Can't be bought confiscated or earned
Though your sins be scarlet red
Like the Holy Bible says
Come and stand beneath the flow
And be washed as white as snow
Then join in the chorus
Proclaiming the joyous
Praises to the King of Kings
Lift up your voice and sing
He's not here, He is risen
He is not among the dead
He has sealed Jehovah's covenant
He has crushed the serpent's head
He has conquered death
Hell and the grave
Now the old debt has been cleared
He's not here, He's not here
He's not here, He is risen
He is not among the dead
He has sealed Jehovah's covenant
He has crushed the serpents head
He has conquered death
Hell and the grave
Now the old debt has been cleared
He's not here, He's not here
He's not here, He's not here