When You’re Traveling From Nantucket lyrics
by Animaniacs
Announcer: And now, Yakko Warner sings about time
Yakko: When you're traveling from Nantucket through Chicago to St. Paul
And you're standing in an airport and you look upon the wall
There's a clock for every city and a different time for all
From Asia through Malaysia to Peru
Yakko: Did you ever wonder why that when it's ten o'clock in Maine
At precisely the same moment, it is 3 AM in Spain?
When it's breakfast time in Rome, they're having lunch in the Ukraine
And it's supper up in upper Kathmandu
Yakko: If the Earth were spinning faster as the sun is going past her
Than a day would only be an hour long
And school, when they begin it, would only last a minute
Before everybody has to run along
Wakko and Dot: All right!
Yakko: If the Earth were the planet that was closest to the sun
A year would be much shorter and you'd have a lot of fun
'Cause by the time you were in first grade, you'd be over twenty-one
And you'd live to be nine hundred, three, or four
Yakko: Time is relative, dependent, you can save it, you can spend it
Doing things you like to do or learning how
Wakko: You can't see it, you can't taste it...
Dot: But you certainly can waste it...
Yakko: Which is really what we're doing here right now!
Yakko: The international date line's an imaginary cleft
Today is on the right side and tomorrow's on the left
So when you cross it, do you then arrive the day before you left?
That's how it'd work, it's quite berserk, you see
Yakko: So if you were born in China while I'm born in Carolina
Well, then, you're a day ahead of me, you see
So the way I've got it reckoned, if we're born in the same second
Then why should you be a day older than me?
Yakko: But it really is no miracle, the difference in our birth
Because the world is spherical, that's why around the Earth...
The Warners: There's always different times for Moscow
London, Boston and Ft. Worth...
Yakko: And that's the way it's always gonna be
Yakko: So remember, when you're traveling from Nantucket to St. Paul
And that airport as you're staring at those clocks upon the wall
You should think about this song, my friend, and then you will recall...
Wakko: That it was mildly amusing...
Dot: But then totally confusing...
The Warners: And we bet you wish we hadn't sung at all!