Have you ever been just drivin' around, and ended up in the colored part of town?
And you see an old-time wanderoo Jack with a great big T.V. antenna
Then you look out in the back, you can always see a Cadillac
And inside there's about fifteen n*ggers eatin' one can of beans for dinner
Now ain't that just like a n*gga, so the story goes
They just like to live that-a-way, you know?
Why, they haven't got one spark of ambition in their minds
They're hard-headed as a dad-blamed mule, and the only reason they go to school is so they can learn to sign their names when they become members of the welfare line
They're lookin' for a handout
To get somethin' free
Lookin' for a handout
From you and me
And with the consent
Of the president
They're gonna get their way
They're gonna get their way
Now I ain't aimin' to run anybody down, but I know how they operate down in Coontown
Why, they wouldn't hit a lick at a snake if it was curly enough to strike
But when their leader says, "Hey n*gga, demonstrate", why, them jigaboos don't even hesitate
'Cause as a n*gga says, "Uhh, hmm, uhh... them's the kind of happenin' we likes."
They're lookin' for a handout
To get somethin' free
Lookin' for a handout
From you and me
And with the consent
Of the president
They're gonna get their way
They're gonna get their way
But one day there's gonna be a stop to all this givin', and darkies you gonna have to account for your livin'
You won't be able to hold your black hand out and wait for somebody to give you your daily bread
'Cause the master said you'll have to earn your salvation, so you'd better start lookin' over the situation, and stop causin' all this trouble, and be a good 'ol n*gga instead
And quit lookin' for a handout
To get somethin' free
Quit lookin' for a handout
From Uncle Sam and me
Don't try to integrate
Be glad to segregate
It's better that way
Much better that way
It's better that way-ay-ay-ay-a-a-ay-a-a-ay-ay