by Flying Lotus
Afraid of heights I used to be scared of successful writing
Now I write my fears with a pen catching a light that's godly
Rhyming oddly out in the open so there's no hiding from this
Now I ride so high i'm on helium like I’m flying lotus
I don't like to compete with you, but I want my curry and eat it too
Staying in the shadows with arrows aiming to see the truth
Pop, there goes the balloon, blame it on good deeds by evil-doers
But underground rivers are overflowing with them
Dead bodies and dumped toys floating through thrown away food
Flowing under burning bridges
I wonder does my inner turmoil reflect a broken system?
I think it does, how else can you explain my pain despite all of my privilege
Is my vision to blame? I think it must
I can't avoid the pictures, the catastrophic predictions
Pushed by media, owned by those who profit from hysteria
Fuelling the creeping up gossip like a wisteria
Meanwhile we travel in coffins without a steering wheel
Coughing up the sickness they cash in on and feed off
I see it travelling past, how it unravels so fast
Portals and ladders don't last, only glass balls filled up with gas
Watch them roll off ledges and crash
Who planted the thought that pushes the paws of a cat
Who thought it was wack?
Who thought it was gone, and was bringing it back?
Who waters the plants that spring into maps
Who doubted the facts, who lived to the max?
Who floated to unforeseen heights, who's been fighting the past?
I see the lies but can't make head nor tail of evil eyes
Facial recognition and corporate greed legalized…