Madison Draculas lyrics
Thanks for calling [Beep] suites, how can I help you?
Hey man, how's it goin'? I'm calling you from the future
Ah, good
Two-thousand twelve over here
Oh man, how's it goin' over there?
Uhh, it's good so far
Just gotta go out, check this up here in about, mmm, five minutes
Oh, excellent
Oh man, what a crazy week
Oh man, you been watching the news?
Of course I watch the news
Oh man, what's been your favorite story?
Uh, pretty much, well, I'm tired of the Iowa caucus, this story
Get it over with, folks
Heh heh, that's what I'm sayin'
Oh man, I just, I just had some S'mores
Well hey, does a body good at least some people
Heh heh heh heh! Yeah, it does
Oh man, how's the coffee over there?
Uh, pretty good
Oh, excellent
Oh man, so what's been your favorite program on TV this week?
Uh, I'm sorry, what?
Your favorite program
Oh, uh, usually I watch NCIS
Oh yeah, that's a good one
Yeah, next week they're supposed to have uh, an episode in which they uh, are uh, possibly going after Agent Barrett which I guess makes sense
Aight, completely. That guy's a numbnuts
Um actually Agent Barrett's email
Yeah, that's what I, I know
Oh man, that lady's got, she's got, yeah
All that stuff, yeah
Oh, you got the sniffles?
When don't I?
Heh heh heh! That's what I'm—
When don't I? I've got chronic hay fever
Don't we all these days? Yeah?
Y'know it's all that, it's all the preservatives
Well my doctor prescribed me some nasal sprays, and my nose is like "Hm, really? Interesting. Nah! Won't work"
Oh man, my conversations with my nose usually go a lot worse than that
You know my, you know I put something up there, it goes "Ay! Buddy! What's goin' on?"
You know?
To me it says that
Oh man
What a, what a crazy year this is gonna be, it's gonna end
Everything's gonna come to an end
Yep, well, well they say that wh— when the Mayan calendar runs out later this year then the world's done
You believe in all that stuff?
Well I'm just, I'm just making note of that, that's all
Yeah. You don't believe it though?
Nah, c'mon
Well y'know, I mean I don't know why, y'know, as they said about Y2K and then that happened
Y'know and then I was stuck in a shelter for a year
Eh, not me. It didn't affect me much at all, not even at work
Oh man, your computer didn't go out?
Nup. No, I wasn't even at Madison in 2000
Oh man, where were you?
Um, uh back home
Oh man, Madison's gotta be pretty cold today
Well, cold? Nah. Uh windy? Definitely
Oh man
Oh man, you got any Draculas or anything there?
Any what?
Any Draculas or anything?
I dunno
I dunno about that, man. I heard about a Dracula problem in Madison
Back in the, beginning of the month
Well, well actually now that you mention it, there might be something going on [?]
Probably why I have to go check on something here in a minute
Oh man, you ain't gonna go out and get hurt by Draculas are you?
Nah, as long, as long as you drink enough coffee you're gonna be just fine
Heh heh! They don't like that!
Oh man, and Chupacabras too
That's been a big problem around here
Yeah, all my goats keep getting stolen in the night
Well, alright, I gotta get goin' and check on that Dracula problem
Oh man, that sounds like a, y'know if you need me to come out I could probably help with that
Nah, nah
No, they don't, they don't want any, they don't want a piece of me
Heh heh heh heh!
Oh man
Well there you go!
Well, alright
Well you have a happy new year and I'm gonna go take care of this problem
Yeah, you too. When do you want me to call back?
Um actually, look I'm gonna be pretty busy most of the rest of the night, I got a lot of cleaning and stocking of stuff to do
Alright, so maybe like tomorrow
Maybe like tomorrow
Eh, maybe during the day
Oh, yeah
There you go
Oh yeah, what time you start? What do you, when do you get on? Like eleven?
Uh, actually uh, I'm gonna be pretty much all over the board, so you just gotta uh, call when you call
Oh man
Well this—
I'm gonna, I'm gonna go check on that problem
Okay cool, well this, just so you know this, my name's Dave
Dave Davids
Alright, sounds like a plan
With an S
You have yourself a good one, my friend
See you, Dracula
Yep, well buh-bye