Live at George’s Video lyrics
Could care less about our equipment [?]
[Excerpt of "Fresh Hex (Instrumental)"]
[Excerpt of "Street Trash"]
[Excerpt of "Pube Zone"]
[Excerpt of "Side 8 (Big Gums Version)"]
[Excerpt of "1-900-900-900"]
[Excerpt of "New Juices from the Hot Tub Freaks"]
[Excerpt of f*cked Up Friends 2's "Dead Fun" segment]
Hey everybody
Hey, there you are!
Hey, I just finished producing more magic insight
You guys wanna check it out?
Great! Yeah. Let's do it
It's really hard
Uh, I don't know, I just don't see anything
That's okay. The first time is definitely the hardest
Once you get it one time it gets easier, um, after that
And you have to learn to trick your eyes
But um, definitely I would say it's easier if you're straight in front of the TV and not off to the side
So, yeah
Okay, now what you wanna do is look through the screen, not at it
Pretend the TV's a window
One of the ways to get yourself to do this is to turn on a light behind yourself
And then look at the reflection of the light in the screen
I see it! This is so cool!
I don't see anything
Me either
Okay, try blurring your eyes
Don't cross them
Oh, now I see it!
Yeah, and the pyramids are 3D too!
I don't get it. I don't see anything
Don't get frustrated
Okay, try this: Put your face right up against the screen
You try it
Okay, now blur your eyes
And slowly back up without changing your focus
Now if you get it and lose it, start over
And keep trying 'til you get it
Wow, I got it! That's great!
[Excerpt of "Overheater"]
Make me into a milkshake
Pull my arms out
Pull my legs out
Put me into your milkshake
Smash my eyes out
Flush my hair now
Make me into a milkshake
Pull my arms out
Pull my legs out
Put me into your milkshake
Smash my eyes out
Flush my hair now
[Excerpt of "Creepy Phone Calls"]
Yo, what's up? This is TOBACCO's friend, Conspirator
Icicle Frog
You wanna see E.T get f*cked?
[Excerpt of "Super Gum"]
Love all the people
In the world
Love all the people
In the world
[Excerpt of "Backwoods Altar"]