Gangsta Guenther Rap Made Me Do It lyrics
by Sim Dane
[Intro - Guenther & K-Mag]
Ja, kører det, kører det? Ja!
- (Yeah, is it working, is it working? Yeah!)
Det er Kevin Magnussen her!
- (It's Kevin Magnussen!)
Lad os vise dem hvordan det skal gøres!
- (Let's show them how it's done!)
Lad os vise dem hvordan det skal køres!
- (Let's show them how it's run!)
Guenther: Vot de fokk is dat vankor langvedge?!
K-Mag: Ah... hold kæft, Guenther! Hvad er der med dig?!
(Ah... shut up, Guenther! What is it with you?!)
Guenther: Keven, shot de fokk op, you fokking vankor!
K-Mag: Nu går jeg! Farvel!
(I'm going now! Goodbye!)
Guenther: Stupid langvedge!
*Door Smashes*
Guenther: Vot in de fokk?!
K-Mag: What?!
Guenther: You do not fokk smash my door! Keven, get de fokk back hier. We got a song to fokking do!
We.. are.. the.. gangster.. team.. in F1
Come.. between.. me.. and.. Guenth.. and you're done!
And Guenther hates it! That's why I always lose it!
I know our drivers have a brain, it is 'bout time they use it!
'Cause little wankers are making us look stupid!
f*ck it, Guenther rap made me do it!
[Verse 1 - K-Mag]
Ja, jeg er Kevin Magnussen!
- (Yup, I'm Kevin Magnussen!)
Presser bilen til det max - f*ck, jer er i det snavs igen!
- (Pushing the car to the max - f*ck, I'm in the dirt again!)
Efter Renault er Cyril en mand, til hvem jeg aldrig si'r davs igen!
- (After Renault, Cyril's a man I never say 'hi' to anymore!)
Chiller I min garage med gangsterbossen og drikker Heineken!
- (Chillin' in my garage with the mob boss while drinking Heineken!)
Siden han sagde "hej min ven - lad mig vise dig vei, min ven!"
- (Since he said "hi my friend, let me guide you, my friend!")
Har jeg haft det sæde - måske ikke de hurtigste, men det' sgu aldrig slemt
- (I have the seat - maybe not the fastest, but it's never bad)
At være fast kører for et team, hvor man faktisk savner dem
- (To be permanent driver at a team where you actually miss them)
Over vinteren - med Haas er jeg blevet en tem'lig garvet svend!
- (Over the winter - at Haas I've become an experienced joe!)
[Verse 2 - Gangsta Guenther]
Thanks a lot, Kevin, for giving me the mic again!
You're quite the driver - we are both quite the mighty men
What you do in Austria each year could make me smile again!
I refuse to hang on to things that we might have been
For example: Vettel is the man, despite a spin..
Or two.. or many more.. You get it right?
Back in Australia 2019 and '18, we cried and binned the race
Now it's off the calendar, so let's try to win!
We.. are.. the.. gangster.. team.. in F1
Come.. between.. me.. and.. Guenth.. and you're done!
And Guenther hates it! That's why I always lose it!
I know our drivers have a brain, it is 'bout time they use it!
'Cause little wankers are making us look stupid!
f*ck it, Guenther rap made me do it!
[Verse 3 - Rob Kubica]
It's Robert, motherf*cker, on the track I will not bother
With the mother of the failure - I'm tired of being stubborn!
I'll just log on YouTube and find memes and vids by legend Dacha!
Roba don't give f*cks so suck a donkey dong without no rubber!
I'm sorry, am I rude? I'm usually kinder dude!
But why'd I drop a seat in Willy-team? 'Cause Roba boi got screwed!
I'm "RABARABA" - yelling on the mic, 'cause Claire can only lose!
Hah, joined the Alfa-dudes - spaghetti boi, you gotta move!