To Fanny Brawne (19 Oct 1819) lyrics
by John Keats
Great Smith Street
Tuesday Morn -
My sweet Fanny,
On awakening from my three days dream ("I cry to dream again") I find one and another astonish'd at my idleness and thoughtlessness - I was miserable last night - the morning is always restorative - I must be busy, or try to be so. I have several things to speak to you of tomorrow morning. Mrs Dilke I should think will tell you that I purpose living at Hampstead - I must impose chains upon myself - I shall be able to do nothing - I sho[u]ld like to cast the die for Love or death - I have no Patience with any thing else - if you ever intend to be cruel to me as you say in jest now but perhaps may sometimes be in earnest be so now and I will - my mind is in a tremble, I cannot tell what I am writing.
Ever my love yours
John Keats