The Battle of Harlaw lyrics
by Traditional Scottish Folk
[Verse 1]
As I cam in by Dunideer
And doun by Nether Haw
Thare war fifty thoosan Hieland men
Aw marchin tae Harlaw
Wi a diddie aye-o and a fal and a doe
And a diddie aye-o aye-ey
[Verse 2]
As I gaed on and further on
And doun in by Balquhain
Oh, it's thare I saw Sir James the Rose
And wi him John the Graeme
Wi a diddie aye-o and a fal and a doe
And a diddie aye-o aye-ey
[Verse 3]
"It's cam ye fae the Hielands, man
Cam ye aw the wey?
Saw ye Macdonald and his men
As thay cam in fae Skye?"
Wi a diddie aye-o and a fal and a doe
And a diddie aye-o aye-ey
[Verse 4]
"It's I wis near and near eneuch
That I thair number saw
Thare war fifty thoosan Hieland men
Aw marchin tae Harlaw."
Wi a diddie aye-o and a fal and a doe
And a diddie aye-o aye-ey
[Verse 5]
"Gin that be true," says James the Rose
"Thay'll no come muckle speed
We'll cry upon wir merry men
And turn wir horse's heid."
Wi a diddie aye-o and a fal and a doe
And a diddie aye-o aye-ey
[Verse 6]
"Oh na, oh na," says John the Graeme
"This thing will niver be
For the gallant Graemes war niver beat
We'll try fit we can dae."
Wi a diddie aye-o and a fal and a doe
And a diddie aye-o aye-ey
[Verse 7]
Weel, as I gaed on and further on
And doun in by Harlaw
Thay fell fou close on ilka side
Sic straiks ye niver saw
Wi a diddie aye-o and a fal and a doe
And a diddie aye-o aye-ey
[Verse 8]
Thare fell fou close on ilka side
Sic straiks ye niver saw
And ilka sword gaed clash for clash
At the Battle o Harlaw
Wi a diddie aye-o and a fal and a doe
And a diddie aye-o aye-ey
[Verse 9]
The Hieland men wi thair lang swords
Thay laid on us fou sair
And thay drave back wir merry men
Three acres breadth or mair
Wi a diddie aye-o and a fal and a doe
And a diddie aye-o aye-ey
[Verse 10]
And Forbes tae his brither did say
"Oh, brither, can't ye see
Thay'v beaten us back on ilka side
And we'll be forced tae flee."
Wi a diddie aye-o and a fal and a doe
And a diddie aye-o aye-ey
[Verse 11]
"Oh na, na, my brither bold
This thing will niver be
Ye'll tak yer guid sword in yer haund
Ye'll come in wi me."
Wi a diddie aye-o and a fal and a doe
And a diddie aye-o aye-ey
[Verse 12]
Weel, it's back tae back the brithers bold
Gaed in amangst the thrang
And thay drave back the Hieland men
Wi thair swords baith sharp and lang
Wi a diddie aye-o and a fal and a doe
And a diddie aye-o aye-ey
[Verse 13]
And the firstan straik that Forbes struck
He gart Macdonald reel
And the neistan straik that Forbes struck
The brave Macdonald fell
Wi a diddie aye-o and a fal and a doe
And a diddie aye-o aye-ey
[Verse 14]
And siccan a pitlarichie
O the likes ye niver saw
As wis amangst the Hieland men
Fan thay saw Macdonald faw
Wi a diddie aye-o and a fal and a doe
And a diddie aye-o aye-ey
[Verse 15]
Some rade, some ran and some did gang
Thay war o smaw record
But Forbes and his merry men
He slew thaim on the road
Wi a diddie aye-o and a fal and a doe
And a diddie aye-o aye-ey
[Verse 16]
O fifty thoosan Hieland men
But fifty-three gaed hame
And oot o aw the Lawland men
Fifty marched wi Graeme
Wi a diddie aye-o and a fal and a doe
And a diddie aye-o aye-ey
[Verse 17]
Gin onybody spier at ye
O thaim that marched awa
Ye can tell thaim plain and very plain
Thay're sleepin at Harlaw
Wi a diddie aye-o and a fal and a doe
And a diddie aye-o aye-ey
Wi a diddie aye-o and a fal and a doe
And a diddie aye-o aye-ey