Among some, Donald Trump is the current great White Hope. He has arrived on the political scene in a country that faces many significant issues. Some of these significant issues in no particular order are as follows: 1. The middle class status has shrunk. 2. There has been loss of manufacturing jobs, coupled with stagnant wages 3. The top 1% continues do exceptionally well economically 4. A few at the top contribute much political money with super PACs to keep safe their economic interests 5. Savings and other investments have been hit hard and contribute to the economic woes of many.
Some of the social values, in our country, have changed also: 1. Abortion 2. Same-sex marriage 3. Rising cost of college. 4. Loss of parental wealth, being unable to provide financial support to children. 5. Children, with their inflated self-esteem, advocate they know more and rely less on parental knowledge and advice. 6. Election of a black president and current female front runner in the presidential race 7. Our country being at war since 2001, with radical Islamic terrorists. 8. Rising influx and political influence of people of color.
How have these socio economic conditions affected our citizenry? It can be postulated that man is born with anxiety, need, or drive structure, separate and alone within a family complex that affect his early personality and character development. And, because of rapidly changing culture conditions within a capitalistic economy, along with a chaotic world, common man has become more increasingly insignificant, powerlessness, isolated, anxious, fearful coupled with hatred as far as his feelings are concerned. His resentfulness are for a number of reasons. Some include: 1. Creditors, and being unable to get out of debt. 2. Loss of social prestige 3. Loss of “superiority” toward other groups 4 Less political influence. 4. Being a nobody, irrelevant and unable to make a difference.
To Be Continued