Winter-spring conditioning drills, substantiated his craziness and that added to his unlikable, negative, disgusting, disrespectful, authoritarian persona. Reggie McKenzie remembered the slap and stomp drill. This unusual drill took place in a boxing ring with two players pitted against each other. The object of the drill was to stomp on your opponent’s feet, while slapping him at the same time. A big burly defensive end named Cecil Pryor was in the ring with one of his teammates. Pryor, might’ve been hit in the face because normally a jokester, he not only got angry but with such great force hit his opponent with his left hand knocking him clearly out of the boxing ring with crashing sound. Immediately, coach Schembechler, jumped into that ring, facing Cecil ,in a moment of silence, said aggressively to Cecil Pryor,” if you want to fight someone, fight me.” Smart Cecil chose not to fight the coach. Reggie said he knew right then and there that Bo was tough, he was in charge, and he was the boss.
Frank Gusich remembered the toughest conditioning program of his life that spring. He said that each of the four workout stations had a different physical activity, and was hosted by the various position coaches. He admitted that he was quickly mentally and physically spent and exhausted after that first Slap and Stomp station. Then he had to run to the Yost Fieldhouse for running drills. He ran anywhere from 40 yards to 100 yards; to a quarter-mile to a mile in that station. The third station consisted of agility training. In the fourth station, there was a drill that was similar to universal weight machine. He said it was all exhausting, brutal and physical work. He remembered running from the intramural building to the Yost Fieldhouse, sweating in his workout gear. He couldn’t understand how being sweaty, smelly and running in the snow was good for him. Those experiences were etched in his brain and he realized much later that maybe that’s what Schembechler intended all along.