The Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run is an ultra-marathon that takes place on trails in the California Sierra Nevada Mountains. Runners run up a c*mulative total of over 18,000 feet and descend a total close to 23,000 feet, before reaching the finish in Auburn, California.
The Swanton Pacific 100 mile Ride and Tie with the backdrop of the Pacific Ocean and magnificent redwood forest, is an event that has teams consisting of one equine and 2 runners. The entire team begins at the start line together. One teammate rides a certain distance, dismounts and ties the horses’ reins to a tree and then continues running. The initial runner locates the horse on the trail, unties the horse’s reins, mounts and rides toward the direction of the other runner. The teammates, leapfrogs, so to speak, and continue this process for 100 miles. To finish, the entire team has to cross the finish line together for a completion within a 24 hour day.
The Barkley Marathon is an ultramarathon trail race held near Wartburg, Tennessee. The race distance is approximate and limited to a 60 hour time limit. This event is limited to 40 runners who pay $1.60 application fee. The entry application is a secret. No details and the entrant must complete an essay of “Why I Should Be Allowed to run in the Barkley?” This race has five full loops {24 miles + or -per loop} and this event been completed 17 times by only 14 runners, all of whom are male. One woman has run as far as 66 miles. Not only that, this quirky run has as a bugler that plays Taps for those runners unable to finish.
The Quintuple Anvil Triathlon held in Spotsylvania, Virginia covers over 703 miles and is essentially five Ironman length races over a five day period. This is a full triathlon of swimming, biking and running. One finisher said “I know this is not good for my body, but it is good for my soul.” These four events in no way exhaust the limits or number of amateur events that are examples of inflicting punishment on oneself or what is called mental toughness.
To Be Continued