And that's about it, really. We could continue, but you can see that all this was nothing more than the nonsensical ravings of lunatic minds.
ScopeY said it best after he finished reading it:
Correspondingly, all those people need the infrastructure of GCS to do what they need to do:
Genius-the-business works hard to provide us with the tools to do what we love. They get a lot from us, and we really do get quite a lot from them.
The point is, it takes two. Genius-the-community owes Genius-the-business a lot. Without Genius-the-business, we wouldn't be here. Besides, just think of how obnoxious it would be if you actually had to deal with ads like these every time you were here!
I want to say a special "thank you" to The_Legacy for his time and talent on the VRE game descriptions. The guy is a bona fide genius. You should go read his stuff.
Featured video:
"It Takes Two" by Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock
(Sorry Mr. Mathers, I really should have provided one of your songs for this page.)