Love’s for the birds lyrics
by The ynoe
Tha Ynoe - Loves For The Birds (Original w/Lyrics) - man everytime i see you i could hardly speak, you got that kinda beauty that sweeps me out my feet. so i slipt her this note asking her if she would date me, it had 3 boxes pick 1 yes, no, or maybe. you said maybe and shortly after that we were dating. wasn't long after that until i made you my own lady. never hurt me and i promise never to hurt you. the color of her eyes, onto the scent of her perfume. the shape of her thighs, to the way she licked her lips. how she said she was mine, to the way she moved her hips. and i admit every kiss i shared with you was like the first. im'a flirt, my lips touching yours seeing fireworks. and when we make love got you with your legs up, and you know its even better when we make up. just so you know this is all coming from the heart. i shoulda knew that you were just trouble from the start, and everything was cool, at first it was all legit. now all we do is fight and get into arguements. like the one last week, about that bottle of vodka. your always wasted, and you have an alcohol problem. i think i know that sh*t trick im always drunkin, and only im in charge of my alcoholic consumption. so all of that negativity sh*t, you just need to quit it. i knew i shoulda dump you, the day that you let me hit it. yeaah words hurt,... your in love, no wonder why the birds chirp so when i think of love that sh*ts just a word, f*ck love that sh*ts for the birds and for all you chumps out there, loving those females. all you foo's are straight believing a fairy tale