Brother in Christ (skit) lyrics
by Henrik
Uh oh, Henrik, what's goin' on, buddy?
Hey, Pastor John from church here
I've been meanin' to have a chat with you
You mind if I pull you aside real quick?
Get over here, buddy, alright? Hehe
So, bottom line, we're worried about you, okay?
Couldn't help but notice you got your nose pierced
And buddy, it's just screaming, "I want attention," right?
"I need validation from the world"
Can't find anywhere in the Bible where it says it's okay to get a piercing
Can't help but notice no other Christian TikTokers have piercings either
Which, speakin' of that, can't remember the last time you posted a TikTok
What happened, you get tired of spreadin' the gospel? Heh
But seriously, you need to get back on that
Also, what's goin' on with the music thing, buddy?
I hear all these loud noises, these loud drums
I mean, it just sounds point-blank Satanic, okay?
Doesn't sound like you're glorifying the Lord with your music anymore
So, buddy, we are praying diligently for ya
Oh, and if your sister finds some free time, let her know I'm open for coffee, okay? Heh
Alright, buddy, take it easy