If we divide the world into nurses and patients
I am a born nurse
And you are a born patient
I am in a passion of taking care of you
And you demand constant unremitting attention
We found each other
Your ailments increase in scope and complexity
As I struggle to keep you well
Finding cures, solutions to your problems
Your needs are a mountain
And I am a an ant
Moving it grain by grain
I daren't stop for a moment
How to keep you alive my darling when life seems to have cheated you
Rewarding you only with troubles galore
In your view that is somehow all my fault
I am supposed to make it up to you
You see me as one of the lucky ones
Who had been given everything in life
And luck
My luck, angel
Is only to have found you
The large demanding child I adore
The child of the world I worship
The child of myself I care for
My sweet pain
The more I give the more you demand
I can never do enough, I know
Failure, failure
Still, I am grateful for a way to be useful in life
Thank you for that supreme gift
To me you are a radiant being I am honoured to serve
Nurse has found the perfect patient
Patient the perfect nurse
And care will be unrelenting
Both parties agree
There will be no cure