Hit By Da Spike lyrics
[Verse 1: Speaking Intro]
Hey, spikes are everywhere now
Can you stop hittin' me now?
(Wincing solo)
[Verse 2]
Playin' Happy Wheels, yeah
Jim Bonacci lost it all
I was playing harpoon falls
I got hit by da spike
[Verse 3]
Stupid spikes
Stupid spikes
Gettin' hit by da spike
Gettin' hit by da guy
Nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya
Stop it now
Can ya please?
[Verse 4]
Gettin' hit by da spike
Gettin' hit by da fing
Gettin' hit every time
Jim Bonacci lost it all
[Verse 5]
Ying yang
Stop it
Da cake is dope
I don' need any help
I don' need anyfing
I'm not dumb yet now, now, yeah
I'm not dumb yet now, now, yeah
[Verse 6]
I'm not gonna cry a river
Never, ever, ever, ever
I'm so done with ya now
[Verse 7: Outro]
I'm waiting
Creepypasta's scare the crap
Out of everyone a me
I'm gonna wait for ya here
Come now, just leave now, yeah, yeah
(Beatboxing solo)