Morning Pages: 10/17/16 lyrics
by Gerard Way
Another wonderful (and grey) Monday in Los Angeles. Listening to Plastic Beach by Gorillaz and gearing up for the week ahead. Deadlines this week. As monthly comic book creators, we find ourselves constantly in a situation where you must deliver no matter what it takes. This could mean waking up at 5:30am and going to bed at midnight, just grinding through the process. But it's fun! It really is brutal fun.
I've just begun my Transcendental Meditation training and I am loving it so far. I didn’t know if I was going to take to it right away but I did. I'm looking forward to learning more as I have three more classes. You should check it out and look it up. I found out about it from reading some of David Lynch's book, Catching The Big Fish. He has been a big supporter of TM for a very long time, and even has a foundation bringing tm to schools and other places.
I have been thinking about mental health recently. I'm not sure I want to go deep into it today, but it has been on my mind. I feel like there is a lot I can share on the subject, or offer a perspective as someone who has gone through all of the stages, from skepticism to denial, through acceptance, to willingness, and dedication to treatment. I will share more on this soon. One of the things I will absolutely be talking about, is the feeling that some people have, and that I had at one point, that treatment can endanger your creativity. In my experience, I could not agree less with this feeling. But it took trust, and an openness to trying new things. It is scary when you think about all of the things that make you who you are, even the issues you may have, and then wondering what will happen to the seemingly positive byproducts of these struggles. I clung onto these byproducts for a long time, and in some cases I pushed myself into nurturing them, which I found to be a dangerous activity. I promise more on this when I'm in the right headspace to talk about it, and I will most likely elaborate on this aspect.
With Transcendental Meditation, you must engage in it two times a day, and I haven't done mine yet for today, so I am a little foggy. I'm going to go do that now in order to clear things up for the challenges ahead. I wish you a good morning, or evening, or whatever time it is where you are, and hope you accomplish what you want today.