Eyes of a Panther lyrics
by Steel Panther
Here we go
Ooh whooa
She's looking good
From head to toe
She's licking her paws, yeah
She's ready to blow
Got-a teeth like razors
And claws like knives
She's ready to pounce on your ass
You know you won't survive
She's got the eyes of a panther
She's got lips like Satan
She's got the eyes of a panther
And soon you'll be a-matin'
She's got the eyes of a panther
She's making you crazy
Like a cat in heat
Got her claws running down your back
Wow, under the sheets
She's on the prowl meow
Jaws ready to snap
Like a game of cat and mouse
You're caught in her trap
She's got the eyes of a panther
And a tongue like a cow girl
She's got the eyes of a panther
You're gonna be her chow, yeah
She's got the eyes of a panther
She said, "Don't be afraid of heavy metal!
Don't be afraid to rock! To rock! To rock!"
She said don't be afraid now
So I won't...
You're hiding in the shadows
And you can hear her breath
Your heart's pounding like a bass drum
Boom boom boom
Ready to meet you death, death, death
She swats you down with a paw
Then she walks away
She wants a meal, not a snack
She's onto bigger prey!
She's got the eyes of a panther
Yeah, the cougar is a waitin'
She's got the eyes of a panther
There'll be no escaping
She's got the eyes of a panther
She got them eyes
She got them eyes
She got lies
She got teeth like razors
Eyes likes lasers
Ready to pounce
Your life is in danger
She got lies