Beam me up to Jesus
Beam me up to Jesus I'm ready
Spider on the water
He's a spider on the water
Save me please
I got this hollowed book
Full of my boring secrets
I quit this year but then I bought a pack
Have five or six then wet the rest
I need this voice to sing
The song's the only thing that
Marks the time
Catch the breeze
Weary of
Fake epiphanies
Not the man
That I hoped
That's alright
No one knows
Saying "hey" to Satan
He's a dog in the yard on Morningstar
Half a buttered bagel
That I slip under the fence as an offering
Hot but his breath is freezing
And all I am is guilty
I quit this year but then I bought a dime
I ride the train
Count every pharmacy
It's all we've got
Out on this f*cking rock I'm
Marking the time
Catch the breeze
Weary of
Fake epiphanies
Not the man
That I hoped
That's alright
No one knows
But me
But me