Blue Anchor Bay lyrics
by Gilbert O’Sullivan
I was so busy wasting my time
I didn't notice that you'd changed your mind
And decided not to roam
But to stay at home
And much as I'll miss having you at my side
Provided nothing untoward should arise
We're off in the morning all set for the day
On the beach in Blue Anchor Bay
All of my friends they go every year
They take their girlfriends and their crates of beer
And while the sun is out
They just lark about
No stately home to be traipsing around
No one to tell you what you can or can't down
It's a trip of a lifetime, an annual foray
On the beach in Blue Anchor Bay
And the wеather may not always be the bеst
Which is fine if you don't mind taking a vest
Not that rain on our parade will bring us down
None in the least
We'll just wait inside the bus until it stops
Which for some sat at the back could mean a snog
There's gonna be
For all to see
Five a side football, a dip in the sea
Not least a lie down with a towel underneath
Nothing quite like what it's like being away
On the beach in Blue Anchor Bay
Then as the day ends checking around
To make sure nothing has been left on the ground
It's on the bus we'll go
For the journey home
Some looking slightly a bit worse for wear
Others in fine voice, arms in the air
Singing here's to the next time we all get to play
Here's to the next time we all get to play
On the beach in Blue Anchor Bay
On the beach in Blue Anchor Bay