Virtuous Sister lyrics
by Zae da Blacksmith
[Sample: Nancy Leigh DeMoss]
"Where am I getting my picture of what it means to be a woman? ...Was it shaped by the world... or has it been shaped by the Word of God?"
[Verse 1: Zae da Blacksmith]
If you’ve been adopted by the King of Kings
You’re something like a princess
You’re made to bring a pleasing fragrance to the world like incense
Girl, you’re beautiful, the Lord made you to shine
But if you think that’s what you’re doing
When them boys saying you’re fine
There’s something that I’m hoping that this song can help you find
True beauty's more than what you see, it comes from the divine
Why settle for meeting the standard just to be a dime
When you can bling for the King, lady, you's a diamond
Don’t listen to the world telling you lies
Like “you gotta show off some skin to find you a decent guy”
Like “maybe you gotta be seeking ’em on the weekends” or
“Maybe he’ll love you more if you let him do some freaky stuff”
But baby girl, don’t believe ’em
I know that you don’t want to feel alone but you don’t need ’em
I know it’s rough and this world is cold
But God’s love is enough, He can restore your soul
And there's no greater feeling in this world
Than God's love for His children and you’re still His little girl
God loves you, so if you love Him let Gim know
And Ge’s known you from the womb so if you know Gim let it show
[Sample: Nancy Leigh DeMoss]
"Was is it that God considers pleasing in a woman? ... We know, for example, from 1 Peter 3, that God says he looks at a woman and says 'she's beautiful' when he sees in that woman the internal beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit... a trusting spirit."
[Verse 2: Zae da Blacksmith]
The baby crying for its mama
And you’re going through some drama
Looking at your child like "we’ll be just fine without your father"
And people telling you that you can make it on your own
But the Word of God says you’re never alone
While they tell you to be strong, be an independent woman
God says rest in His arms and to live depending on Him
God ain’t never said we’d never have no troubles in this life
Sometimes they’re consequences
When our choices ain't what's right
But sometimes it ain’t cause of choices or decisions
But the testing of your faith
To build you up till there's nothing missing
So endure so that you may be mature and complete
That’s a promise from our Lord
Who never speaks one He won’t keep
'Cause He’s not a man that He should lie
He’ll never cheat on you or beat on you
He’ll never mislead or deceive you, boo
But He can change your life and make you more like Him
He’s done the same for many men
And can bring you to one of them, amen?
But you gotta trust the Lord and His word
He knows you’re scared, He feeds the trees and the birds
So how much more will He provide your needs and maybe your likes
But seek first His kingdom and righteousness in your life
[Sample: Nancy Leigh DeMoss]
"Today, in this moment, this season is a gift ... The loneliness ... the unfulfilled longings, the desires that may never be met this side of Heaven ... It's not wrong to have the unfulfilled longings ... What is wrong is to become demanding that God fulfill my longings in my way and in my time."
[Verse 3: Zae da Blacksmith]
Excuse me sister, I got some words I want to share
I pray this can uplift you to help you persevere
See, I know what it’s like being single in the mix
And though I don’t know your plight, being single is a gift
So I pray that if it’s just a stage or a season
That by His grace you’d walk in a way that would please Him
Enjoy the phase that you’re found in by His sovereignty
You’re free to engage in more time with Him, obviously
Seek your delight in being engaged to Christ
Bearing fruit by the truth you contemplate day and night
Matter of fact, sister, know this can make you attractive
That’s 1st Peter chapter 3 verse 4 in action
These are the virtues I exhort you to aspire for
Beside making you flyer, these are valued in the eyes of God
Here's some more truth from the scriptures, it's wisdom
For you to look around for older sisters and get with them
See, God can love you through the life of another
He can teach you through her to be a wife and a mother
That's Titus 2 verses 3 thru 5
If you’re an older sister in the faith, this should exemplify your life
So I urge you to turn to the middle of the book
Start at Proverbs 31 verse 10, take a look
'Cause the most hottest model isn't in a magazine
She’s in the scriptures, now that’s what I call a beauty queen
[Sample: Nancy Leigh DeMoss]
"God says he looks at a woman and says 'she's beautiful' ... when He sees in that woman the internal beauty of a gentle and a quiet spirit ... a trusting spirit."