Triplex lyrics
by Zae da Blacksmith
The beats are tough the bars are hard / that's the way I like to bless the mic for the Lord /
Jesus the Prophet and Word of God / expressed in a Person with no sins or flaws / God You’ve been speaking for ages / giving Your wisdom in the words of prophets You gave us / setting the stage so we can meet in Your pages / with Jesus our Prophet / Priest / King and Savior
[Verse 1]
Thus saith the Lord / proclaiming it forth with His vocal cords / this was the way the prophets of old spoke for the Lord / this was the method preferred to convey His views / when His people acted reckless He'd step in with heinous news / about the judgment He'd bring in view of their sin / but though they’d come back to Him / He knew they'd do it again / in chapter 18 / verse 18 of Deuteronomy / you read about the One to come the prophets are modeling / this is the One that is known as Christ the Messiah / who spoke not of His own so you know that He's no liar / flip through the Scripts / His message is so divine / chapter 12 in the gospel of John verse 49 / He did more than carpentry for a job / he held the office of a Prophet of God / and His work now preserved in His Church isn't stopping / so let's spread the words of Jesus the Prophet /
Jesus our Priest / intercede for Your people / our Good Shepherd / You're keeping Your sheepfold / You bridged the gap between God and man / our sinless High Priest and spotless Lamb / holding us close to Your heart You embrace us / with Jesus our Prophet / Priest / King and Savior /
[Verse 2]
Shaking and trembling with fear they would enter / the Most Holy Place once a year to represent us / cause there never was a priest that wasn't in need of atonement / but Jesus never needed interceding for His own sin / so in this regard the work that He performed was perfect / cause no other priest's work has served an eternal purpose / the flawless execution of His job description / was when He offered up the Lamb of God at crucifixion / a perfect offering for sin once for all / was a one-time deal but He’s still working hard / He’s interceding on behalf of the saints / the accuser's trying to condemn us and blemish us but he can’t / we have an Advocate actively mediating / still after the fact He didn't just happen to bleed and save us / His work is accurate / packed with divine feats / He's just so immaculate / Jesus the High Priest /
Jesus the King over all creation / the Sovereign Ruler of every nation / we praise Your Majesty so we sing / with our hearts bowed down as we worship the King / You're just in Your judgments though You’re gracious / Jesus the Prophet / Priest / King and Savior /
[Verse 3]
From the wisdom of Solomon to the mighty king David / there's never been one among them whose name will reign greater than King Jesus / the King of the Jews as He was accused / they pinned Him / beat up and bruised upon the cruz yet / His reign is infinite / never knowing a limit / the divine expression of omnipotence with no gimmicks / He rules over all creation forever / there's never been a king who reigns better / as a Defender of His people none has ever been His equal / as a conquering Lion devouring He defeats foes / He offers protection and blessings in His kingdom / when life tries and tests us He steps in and wins one / He captures hearts too / woos and subdues us / stamps us like tattoos / our acts prove He rules us / we keep His law motivated by His love / our Prophet / Priest / and King / who's reigning from above /
Jesus /