Duel Lingo lyrics



(In English)
Hey everybody, it's me
Your friendly neighborhood MC
Jonny 5
You can stand there flat on your feet
Or jump get up out of your seat
Bottom line
I don’t mind
Basically, get cozy
I'm a let you get to know me

(In Mostly Japanese)
わからないことが言う (I'll say what you don't know
僕は ローリジェームスでございます(I am known as James Laurie.)
毎夏日本に行きたい奴だ. (I'm the guy who wants to go to Japan every summer.)
そんなによく知らない挨拶はたくさんある. (There are all kinds of formalities that I don't know that well.)
But がんばる (I keep trying)
そうすると だんだんよくなる. (and bit by bit I get better.)
例えば (For example)
僕の声が韻を踏んでよく覚えた. (My voice rhymes and gets well remembered)
知らない言葉小さい音がいっぱいと気がつく. (I notice that unknown language is chock full of little sounds.)
むかつく言い方 を選べないよ.(I don't choose offensive ways of saying things)
世界の問題の最後 にしたいよ. (I want to put an end to the world's problems.)
ワルドワイド (Worldwide)

(In English)
Seems like we need a thorough revival
I don’t care so much about titles
More like by the way we both smile
(In Japanese)
まいど, まめけ to おはよう to 北海道
(“What’s up” [in kansai dialect]” to “What’s up [Hida Dialect] to "G’morning" to Hokkaido)

(In English)
We can ride a wave to survival
Right away we don't idle

(In Japanese)
戦争は危ないよ (War is dangerous!)
お互いを理解できる. (We can appreciate each other)
お互いのフリースタイル 見ると... (We can watch each other freestyle and...)

(In English)
Communicate through speech impediments
We stand for peace and betterment

(In Japanese)
男の人たち (Men)

(In English)
We need to be some better men

We together can decrease the threats to women
In the workplace
In the third grade
On the first date
I could go on and on
And the verse takes
Til the break of dawn
And the truth makes the earth shake
Cuz its so long overdue in the worst way
(In Japanese)
お疲れ様でした.(Thank you for your hard work.)
お疲れ様でした.(Thank you for your hard work.)

(In English)
There’s a lot of kind of messed up stuff unaddressed
Cause we haven't done our best job
At being human
But me and you and everyone here
Have surprises up our sleeves daily
We can rise above
It takes all types of us

So a toast to you

(In Japanese)
よろしくお願いします (Thank you for what you will do.)
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