Dawn lyrics
by HeyLasFas!
The sun came up after a long night
Everyone was celebrating Celestia’s victory over the Nightmare
But she was still distraught with the entrapment of her sister
I will come back for you
Just give me a day or two
After all this neglect
I could never forget you
She looked towards her citizens
And watched them all enjoy themselves again
And for the first time in a while
Celestia fеlt good
I will come back for you
Just give me a week or two
Aftеr all of our neglect
I would never forget you
The citizens all praised Her name
And celebrated the sun
But for the first time in a while
The power felt good
I will come back for you
Just give me a month or two
After all my neglect
I should never forget you
The ponies kneeled before her
As they always did in the past
For the first time in a while
The unitary control felt good
I will come back for you
Just give me a year or two…
After all my regrets
I can’t help but forget
…But you must simply stop reading those dusty old books
Your new assignment:
Go out there and make some friends
I had a friend once