Intro, Rules & Tagwall lyrics
by [Deleted Artist]
The RG Album Club was once a weekly thread series where one user would share three albums from any artist, any genre, any length, etc. (mainly rap, but doesn’t have to be). Typically, it pushed users who shared albums to try and find something they believe other users haven’t listened to, and listeners could listen to something new.
While the club was popular, there were a couple flaws, waiting a whole week for new thread, listeners not having time to listen to three albums, users not being prepared with a thread on time, or not being online when it’s their turn, led to the club falling apart
In an effort to bring back the club, fix the flaws, and attempt to make RG more active, we have brought it back to life with a couple new tweaks…SO HERE’S HOW IT’S GOING TO WORK (PLEASE READ TO JOIN):TURN BASED SHARING EVERY MONDAY AND WEDNESDAYMembers will take turns sharing ONE ALBUM, no limits on genre or artist, going down the list of members every Monday and Wednesday. It seems the majority of Rap Genius is active on Weekdays, therefore, turns will be taken on those days. ONE MEMBER will share for their day.Members will be separated into two categories: CONTRIBUTORS and LISTENERSAll members will be LISTENERS, but those who want to share an album will be CONTRIBUTORS. CONTRIBUTORS will be expected to share the album they wish to share by creating a thread when it is their turn, linking this thread, tagging all members, and providing links to the album they are sharing. Optionally, they can add some background information for the album, or why they are sharing that album. All LISTENERS will be expected to listen to the album, provide a rating, optionally a review in the thread. The majority of members will be expected to be contributors, but if you only wish to listen and not share an album, you may remain just a listener.RATING COMPILINGAt the end of the turn, I will compile all ratings given by listeners, and average them to give the average rating for the album. At the end of every month, I will rank every album shared that month based on the averages. If we can get this past a year, I will even do the top 10 best albums shared in the year based on the ratings.Tagwall (updated):
@SpaceGhostBluu @Lexton @Big_Cham @TheSoulOfLimpBizkit @Lilflexy @JPtheOG @Irrelephant @Evervores @LGF @DsgJack @Cyturk @SolSenor @PapaKhan @pyar @Midsommars_Atake @CraigWaterfield @kobethaboat @x0scar @xMERLYN @blustery @captainsnickers @Charlie_Heat_Version @briannasurfz