Oh, Baby, the Places You’ll Go! lyrics


Jordan Simons

Yo, this is Oh, Baby, the Places You'll Go!, written by Dr. Seuss, and I'm gonna rap this book

Baby, oh, baby, the places you'll go
The worlds you will visit, the friends you will know
The horn-tooting apes from the Jungles of Jorn
Will hoot a big toot on the day you are born
While a bird flying high from far off in Katroo
Will sing on the wing, "Happy Birthday to You"
Then the once-ler will call on his whisper-ma-phone
With a secret he's saving for your ears alone

[Verse 1]
You will find from your very first moment in space
You're surrounded by new friends all over the place
There's Daisy-Hood Mayzie and Cindy-Lou Who
Hunches in bunchеs and Lolla-Lee-Lou
The Curious Crandalls, the Brothers Ba-Zoo
Thе Star-Belly Sneetches, the Wump of Gump, too
Bartholomew Cubbins, Marvin and Max
And also the North- and the South-Going Zax
There's Thidwick, who lives with his friends in a bunch
At a lake where there's lots of sweet moose-moss to munch
A very tall cat in a red-and-white hat
Who loves to do tricks in West Gee-Hossa-Flat
A boy with his yo-yo, the youngest McCave
And his 22 brothers, who are all named Dave
A worm who can see all the way to Japan
Which is quite a bit farther than anyone can
And Horton, who lives in the Jungle of Nool
Every 15th of May in the cool of the pool
Will show you the dust speck that houses the Whos
Those brave little folks we would not want to lose
He saved their whole town for he knows, after all
A person's a person, no matter how small
You might take a quick trip out to Sala-ma-Sond
Where Yertle the turtle was king of the pond
'Til a turtle named Mack did a plain little thing
He burped and he toppled the throne of a king
And what happened next there in Sala-ma-Sond?
Yertle fell off his throne and he fell Plunk! in the pond
You will find him there now, mud is all he can see
And the turtles of course—all the turtles are free
As turtles and every creature should be
[Verse 2]
Whatever you do, things won't always go right
You might meet the Grinch in the dark of the night
His heart is too small and his shoes are too tight
He's not very friendly and rarely polite
He tries not to listen when the Whos start to sing
For the Grinch their singing is his least favorite thing
But the Whos just keep singing, the tall and the small
For them sing-sing-singing is the best thing of all
You may run into trouble as folks often do
When you're trying to travel to Solla Sollew
Like that world famous Zanzibar Buck-Buck McFate
Who got caught in the traffic on Zayt Highway 8

[Verse 3]
If you find nupboards in your cupboards, there's no need to shout
They're always fun when you have them about
But that nooth grush on your toothbrush
You might choose to do without
And you might think it's fun when you hop on your pop
But don't be surprised when he asks you to stop
Soon, you'll meet a young man, Sam-I-Am
And get your first taste of his Green Eggs and Ham
You may eat his eggs in a car or a tree
You'll like green eggs and ham, they are good, you will see
You're also invited to have some roast beast
Every Christmas in WhoVille, it's really a feast
[Verse 4]
While you are growing, we're all busy counting
The days 'til we meet you—excitement is mounting
We've saved you a seat at the first matinee
Of the Circus McGurkus; there are 4 every day
Where Great Daredevil Sneelock, the world's bravest type
Will be pulled through the air by 3 Soobrian Snipe
On a dingus contraption that's attached to his pipe

You'll find that this world's a great place to begin
But it could use some help, which is where you come in
So now, as my voice burble-urps in your ear
With a bump-thumpy sound that is not very clear
The words that I'm saying, you hear in your heart
And know that I wish you the very best start
It's a scrumptulous world and it's ready to greet you
And as for myself, well, I can't wait to meet you
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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