The Game (Reprise) lyrics
by Stephen Sondheim
(Thunder rumbles.)
[ADDISON, spoken]
Tell you what. If I decide to build a whorehouse or a saloon, I'll call you. Until then-
[WILSON, spoken]
One day up, the next day down
That's the way it goes
One week you can own the town
Next week, hey, who knows?
You and me, though, Brother mine
We're pros
The whole thing's nothing more than just a game
And what we both are good at is the game
Believe me, I'm not asking for forgiveness
All the same
I'm asking to get back into the game
Given up booze, given up coke
Given up girls, don't even smoke
Got a bad break and wound up broke
Jesus, my life is one sad joke...
(Pause. Addison just stares at him.)
Want me to beg? Want me to crawl?
Want an apology? Your call
I was a prick, but after all
Jesus, I'm your brother!
(Another pause. Wilson sings with increasing desperation:)
It's more than just the money that's at stake
It's even more than begging for a break
Joke or not, it's my life!
If you want to twist the knife
Then twist the knife...
Only please-!
(Wilson tilts forward and collapses. Thunder rumbles.)
[ADDISON, spoken]
It won't work, Willie... Up and at 'em!
(Wilson doesn't move.)
(Thunder rumbles.)