Bounce lyrics
by Stephen Sondheim
We've come a long way
We've been through a lot
We've learned how to bounce
As Papa would say:
"You're hot, then you're not
You better learn to bounce"
If something goes wrong
That's all right
Bounce along
Just travel light
You go off the track
Don't look back
That's the thing that counts
You hit a few bumps
You make a few gaffes
You learn how to bounce
You take a few lumps
You have a few laughs
And all the while you bounce
Don't dwell on the times
That you fail
Remember the times
When you sail
Find a new road
Forge a new trail
[WILSON, spoken]
You don't suppose this really is heaven, do you?
[ADDISON, spoken]
If guys like you get to go to heaven, Willie, who has to go to hell?
[WILSON, spoken]
Point taken—
Although if this isn't heaven, then where the hell are we?
[ADDISON, spoken]
Yeah. And where do we go next?
No cause for concern
We'll get by
Live and learn—
[As ADDISON shoots him a look.]
All right then, die!
So what if we're dead?
Gotta look ahead
[ADDISON. spoken]
How true, how true. '
The road may get rough
Who knows in advance?
Be ready to bounce
You needn't have brilliance
Just resilience
You do it enough
You look for the chance
You see it and you pounce
When you're spent
We've bucked a few trends—
And with style
We've made a few friends—
For a while
From all we've been through—
From dealing with you
I've learned how to—
[Noticing what WILSON is sniffing.]
Goddammit, Willie, will you put that crap away?
The time up in Nome
Gold up to our ears
We lost every ounce
[WILSON, spoken]
C'mon, it was fun—
[ADDISON, spoken]
At the point of a gun?
Well, then we get home
And who disappears?
I had to learn to bounce
[WILSON, spoken]
But we were a team.
[ADDISON, spoken]
No, you were a team.
The horse that we doped
That youdoped
[WILSON, spoken]
Just trying to help further your career.
[ADDISON, spoken]
Well, when you got finished helping, I didn't have a career.
It's the thought that counts
No, you're right, you're right
And when you are right, you're right!
[ADDISON, spoken]
Of course, there was that time down in Florida. You skipped town, left meholding the bag.
[WILSON, spoken]
Sort of like that time up in New York when you skipped town and left mefor dead.
[ADDISON, spoken]
New York! You wanna talk about New York?
You're stuck in a jam
Your brother says, "Scram!"
You pack up and—!
[ADDISON, spoken]
"Scram," yes, indeed. "Scram" as in, "Scram, sucker, I'm getting married. I'll get back to you—"
The brother you prize
Keeps telling you lies
You better goddamn well know how to goddamn—
Oh, goddamn you!
I mean, here we are
Team or not
It's bizarre
How far we've got
Together again
Two old men
Settling our accounts
Right, you're right, and when you're right
Which isn't too often—
The problem was mine
All I did was whine
You did sort of flounce—
With justification
Just frustration
No, I was a fink
I drove you to drink
What saved us was our bounce
[ADDISON, spoken]
That's how you survive.
[WILSON, spoken]
We just might come out of this whole thing alive.
With someone to give
You a hand
You not only live
You expand
You learn to adjust
You do what you must: