I Remember That lyrics
by Stephen Sondheim
(Hank and Celeste, a young married couple, reminisce about their first date)
I have a memory for small details
I have a memory that never fails
I can remember names, dates and places
And even faces
Of people whose faces
I don't wanna know
I know the date of the Parthenon
But there's a date that I'm hazy on
That was the date we had, I remember
In early September
(Or was it November?)
Three years ago
Up to a certain point, my mind is clear
Every detail of that date, that fateful year
I arrived at seven
I'd stopped along the way
To buy a big bouquet for you
I remember that
At a French-type restaurant
Run by a guy named Jake
We had a sirloin steak for two
I remember that
I remember we sat out in Prospect Park
In the glow of moonlight
After that, we went back to my house
And danced til dawn
I was pouring coffee
You lit a cigarette
From then on, I forget what I said
What I did
And where I was at
For I'd fallen in love with you
I remember
I'd fallen in love with you
That's the one thing I do remember
I remember that
Up to a point, your mind is clear, no doubt
But I can remember some things that you left out
For instance
I was dressed at seven
But you arrived at eight
And you were never late again
I remember that
Since you'd bought me flowers
You couldn't pay the check
You were a nervous wreck by then
I remember that
I remember we sat in the park
In the glow of a policeman's flashlight
After that, we went back to my house
And sat some more
You were pouring coffee
All over my new dress
From then I, I confess
I forget what I said
And where I was at
But I did fall in love with you
I remember
I did fall in love with you
That's the one thing I do remember
I remember that