Another Hundred People lyrics
by Stephen Sondheim
Another hundred people just got off of the train
And came up through the ground while
Another hundred people just got off of the bus
And are looking around at
Another hundred who got off of the plane
And are looking at us
Who got off of the train
And the plane and the bus
Maybe yesterday
It’s a city of strangers
Some come to work, some to play
A city of strangers
Some come to stare, some to stay
And every day, the ones who stay...
Can find each other in the crowded streets
And the guarded parks
By the rusty fountains and the dusty trees
With the battered barks
And they walk together past the postered walls
With the crude remarks
And they meet at parties with the friends of friends
Who they never know
“Will you pick it up or should I meet you there?”
“Shall we let it go?”
“Did you get my message
Cause I looked in vain?”
“Can we see each other Tuesday
If it doesn’t rain?”
“Look, I’ll call you in the morning
Or my service will explain”
And another hundred people just got off of the train
[APRIL, spoken]
I didn’t come right to New York
I went to Northwestern University for two years
But it was a pitiful mistake
I was on probation the whole two years
I was getting ready to go back to Shaker Heights
When I decided where I really wanted to live
More than any other place
Was Radio City
I thought it was a wonderful little city
Near New York
So I came here
I’m very dumb
[ROBERT, spoken]
I find you very interesting
[APRIL, spoken]
Well... I’m just not
I used to think I was so odd
But my roommate is the same way
He’s also very dumb
[ROBERT, spoken]
You never mentioned him
Is he... your lover?
[APRIL, spoken]
We just share this great big apartment
On West End Avenue
I’d show it to you, but we’ve never had company
He’s the sweetest thing actually
I think he likes the arrangement
I don’t know, though, we never discuss it
He was born in New York, so...
Nothing really interests him
I don’t have anything more to say
And they find each other in the crowded streets
And the guarded parks
By the rusty fountains and the dusty trees
With the battered barks
And they walk together past the postered walls
With the crude remarks
And they meet at parties with the friends of friends
Who they never know
“Will you pick it up or should I meet you there?”
“Shall we let it go?”
“Did you get my message
Cause I looked in vain?”
“Can we see each other Tuesday
If it doesn’t rain?”
“Look, I’ll call you in the morning
Or my service will explain”
And another hundred people just got off of the train
[ROBERT, spoken]
This is really exciting, Kathy, fascinating
[KATHY, spoken]
Robert, you’re awful
[ROBERT, spoken]
You come here a lot, huh?
Hey, maybe next we could go watch a haircut
[KATHY, spoken]
You cannot bare that with a big party going on
I talked you into coming here with me
[ROBERT, spoken]
A party? What p—
Oh, that party
Oh, yeah, I’d completely forgotten about that party
But hey, maybe we can still make it
[KATHY, spoken]
Robert, try to enjoy this
Imagine being in a tiny quiet little pocket of a park
Right here, in the middle of the busy, noisy East 50’s
A part that’s simple and pretty
That waterfall on the wall over there?
It always makes me ache to be back at the cape
[ROBERT, spoken]
You are some piece of work, lady
[KATHY, spoken]
What I am is like this park here
Out of place
[ROBERT, spoken]
You are like this park
Very lovely
[KATHY, spoken]
I’ve never let you know
What a good, good man I think you are
And how much you’ve met Robert
I brought you here because...
I wanted to tell you alone
I’m moving back up to cape cod
I’m getting married
[ROBERT, spoken]
[KATHY, spoken]
Well, yeah, some people still get married, y’know
[ROBERT, spoken]
Did you just suddenly fall in love?
[KATHY, spoken]
I’ll be a good wife
I want real things
A husband, family...
I think there’s a time to come to New York
And a time to leave
Enjoy your party
Another hundred people just got off of the train
And came up through the ground while
Another hundred people just got off of the bus
And are looking around at
Another hundred who got off of the plane
And are looking at us
Who got off of the train
And the plane and the bus
Maybe yesterday
It’s a city of strangers
Some come to work, some to play
A city of strangers
Some come to stare, some to stay
And every day, some go away...
Or they find each other in the crowded streets
And the guarded parks
By the rusty fountains and the dusty trees
With the battered barks
And they walk together past the postered walls
With the crude remarks
And they meet at parties with the friends of friends
Who they never know
“Will you pick it up or should I meet you there?”
“Shall we let it go?”
“Did you get my message
Cause I looked in vain?”
“Can we see each other Tuesday
If it doesn’t rain?”
“Look, I’ll call you in the morning
Or my service will explain”
And another hundred people just got off of the train
And another hundred people just got off of the train
And another hundred people just got off of the train
And another hundred people just got off of the train
Another hundred people just got off of the train