Everybody Says Don’t lyrics
by Stephen Sondheim
[HAPGOOD, spoken]
It's depressing, watching a woman get dressed after you didn't
[FAY, spoken]
Not the woman, the nurse. She's the one who gets in the way
[HAPGOOD, spoken]
Tear up those records
[FAY, spoken]
[HAPGOOD, spoken]
What's the easiest way to get rid of a nurse? Get rid of her patients! Tear 'em up!
[FAY, spoken]
That's tearing up people!
[HAPGOOD, spoken]
And setting them free! Your cookies would want it, they could go back to living...the way they want to!
[FAY, spoken]
And end up back in the jar!
[HAPGOOD, spoken]
So what? Why lie down and fold up now? Ugh, come on lady, tear them up, let 'em go!
[FAY, spoken]
[HAPGOOD, spoken]
I'll show you how!
[FAY, spoken]
No! Don't!
Everybody says don't
Everybody says don't
Everybody says don't, it isn't right
Don't, it isn't nice!
Everybody says don't
Everybody says don't
Everybody says don't walk on the grass
Don't disturb the peace
Don't skate on the ice
Well, I say, do!
I say, walk on the grass, it was meant to feel
I say, sail!
Tilt at the windmill
And if you fail, you fail
Everybody says don't
Everybody says don't
Everybody says don't get out of line
When they say that, then
Lady, that's a sign
Nine times out of ten
Lady, you are doing just fine
Make just a ripple
Come on, be brave
This time a ripple
Next time a wave
Sometimes you have to start small
Climbing the tiniest wall
Maybe you're going to fall
But it's better than not starting at all
Everybody says no
Everybody says stop
Everybody says mustn't rock the boat
Mustn't touch a thing
Everybody says don't
Everybody says wait
Everybody says can't fight City Hall
Can't upset the cart
Can't laugh at the king
Well, I say, try
I say, laugh at the kings or they'll make you cry
Lose your poise
Fall if you have to
But lady, make a noise
Everybody says don't
Everybody says can't
Everybody says wait around for miracles
That's the way the world is made
I insist on miracles if you do them
Miracles, nothing to them
I say don't
Don't be afraid