“Stop the Miracle...” lyrics
by Stephen Sondheim
[CORA, spoken]
Stop the miracle!
[COOLEY, spoken]
Now, sister
[CORA, spoken]
Don't "sister" me, sister! The three of you have exactly fifteen minutes in which to turn off the water and dismantle the pump or you all go to the slammer!
[COOLEY, spoken]
But sister— your honor, you have just saved us!
[CORA, spoken]
[COOLEY, spoken]
If there's no water, there's no miracle. And if there's no miracle, there's nothing for that lady from Lourdes to investigate!
[MAGRUDER, spoken]
She'll go home!
[CORA, spoken]
But that still leaves Dr. Hapgood
[SCHUB, spoken]
And the town!
[COOLEY, spoken]
Oh, sister-en and brethren, if we can just show the people the evil of Dr. Hapgood's ways, they'll be normal and frightened like they used to be!
[CORA, spoken]
And they'll do as I say! But how do we get them to turn against Hapgood?