Two Fairy Tales lyrics
by Stephen Sondheim
Once upon a time—
Once upon a time—
There lived a princess—
There lived a knight—
Who was exceedingly beloved—
Who was devout—
Who had a kingdom—
In a kingdom—
Which was perfect—
Which was wretched—
Which was carpeted with jewels
Which was under someone's curse
She was beset—
On every side—
It was beset—
With handsome princes—
With giant trolls—
And lesser nobles—
And with dragons—
Bearing gifts and begging marriage
Bringing famine
She would spurn them—
He would pray—
And they would kill themselves in duels
And it constantly got worse
Of course, the knight was much inspired—
But the princess soon grew tired—
By the misery at hand
Of all the fires she had fanned
And as time went on—
As time went on—
He thought—
She thought
"I must wed someone—
"I must do something—
To alleviate the sorrow in the land"
Now there were three—
There were three—
In particular, named
And Excellence
And Lust
But she could not—
He could not—
Refuse the call
At all
He bade his wife—
She bade the three appear
Farewell, for go he must
Then to the west—
She got her wizard to suggest—
The knight set off upon his quest
A sort of test—
He bore his crest—
At her behest
As if possessed
The princely suitors did their best—
Nor did he rest
And who'd have guessed?
He was obsessed
All three were test-
Ed and they passed
He found a priest—
She was depressed—
He made a fast
And was confessed
To say the least
He never ceased—
But she got dressed—
Until at last
He had laid waste—
And served a feast
Where she was faced—
And turned to dust—
With princes—
The dragons—
And Excellence
And Lust
After many years—
After many years—
The King, her father—
The noble knight—
Who'd been abroad in search of truth—
Who'd lost an arm—
Returned to find—
Returned to find—
The kingdom wretched—
The kingdom perfect—
All activity suspended
All activity resumed
To his dismay—
He also found—
In his dismay—
His daughter mad—
His wife had died—
With indecision
With the waiting
She had lapsed into a coma—
And his children—
While her suitors—
Left alone—
Had grown
Restless and offended
Had been starving and were doomed
And so the King, to ease her sorrow—
So the court upon the morrow—
Passed a curious decree—
Proclaimed a holiday to be
That she could marry all three suitors
And the day was named for him
Did she feel guilty?
Did he feel guilty?
Oh, yes!
And it was wonderful to see!
So she lived—
So he lived—
Not for long—
Ever after—
Ever watchful for—
With Virtue—
And Excellence
And Lust
That's a tale—
That's a tale—
Which was read me
By my father—
Which was read me
By my mother—
And there's
Probably a moral
To be pointedly discussed
But it's always been my favorite
And I read it when I'm gloomy
And though fairy tales are foolish
That's a fairy tale to trust