You know what lyrics
You know what?
Go ahead
Go ahead tell everyone you hate me
Tell everyone you wish i was dead
Tell them,that you never wanna see me do better
Tell them that you wish happy never works out for me
Tell them
Tell them, every single horrible thing i never did to you
Tell them all the things i said that made you want to end it?!
Tell them everything A-Z
Don't forget about the times
Don't forget to mention those times
When you cried i was there
Don't forget to tell them what i had to do to make you smile
Don't forget to tell them what we did right
You can make them hate me if you want to...
I don' really care
Just make sure you tell them all the good as well
Make it balance
When i hear your name i still smile
When you hear mine i can only imagine that you cringe
See i can't pretend that i hate you
Because nothing you can do can push me to that
Don't pretend like i don't know you
Or at least used to
So yeah
Go ahead
Cause i tried to fight for you and you were only a pretender a faker
You told me to put out the fire and i did
With my tears