SO WHAT’S REALLY WRONG? (intro) lyrics
[Skit - BROKIE's Mom and BROKIE]
Hey Stephen, can you take out the trash?
Door opens
Can you take out the trash so I can get dinner started?
Yeah I'll- I'll do it when I'm done
Doiiiiing what?
Lying here, thinking about nothing. I- I don't know
Stephen, are you high?
Surprisingly mom, no. I wish I was though
You haven't been goin' outside very much. You know you don't have to wear a mask anymore. At least in most places
To be completely honest mom, I think I'd rather go out with a mask than without one
Why is that? You're not ugly or nothin'. You just look like a normal guy walkin' down the street
Lovely. Glad I look like a normal guy
Seriously, Stеphen, is there somеthing you're not telling me? You know you can tell me anything
Yeah, yeah. I know
So what's really wrong? (So what's really wrong?)