THE DEAL! (interlude) lyrics
*Clears throat* *Sniffles*
*Car pulls up*
Yo, lil' dude-
Hey, man- -Yo
-Hey, uh You Brokie?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, uh, it's me, uh Mhm
S-so, so I was wondering, like, um Mhm
Y-y'know, like, *Sniffles* um
Could I, could I maybe, like, wha-, like, what should I do?
Should I get in the car? Or, should I like Na-, nah, dude, jus-
I'll give you your sh*t through your window, I'll (O-o-okay, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah)
I'l- Okay, sorry I'll give it you through the- *Clears throat*
Don't mea-, ha-, I don't mean to waste your time, I'm sorry, ha (f*ckin' window, man)
I haven't-, I haven't-, like, bought, uh, I haven't bought a weed before
So, like, uh, you, know Bruh I'm just trying to be, like, extra cautious
Alright, du-, are you a fed, bro? Like Wh-, ha Are you a cop?
A fed?! Like, huh, wha-, li-like a cop? No Yeah No, no, no
I'm not, I'm not, I'm not a cop, like, y-y-, see? Like *Gun c*cks*
I-, I have a Woah I have a big ol' gun (Ay, ay)
Ay, bro (Right here) Be careful where you aim that sh*t (I have a big ol' gu-)
Be careful where you f*ckin'... (Alright, yeah, yeah, sorry)
I didn't mean to Goddamn Sidn't mean to
Didn't mean to point that at you, I'm f*ck I apologize
What are you trying to buy? Bro, just tell me Uh
So I can get the f*ck outta here Okay! Let's go
Let's make this quick, chop, chop Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah
So, I'm-, I'm-, I'm, trying to buy, uh, maybe Mhm
Maybe a, um, an ounce of, uh Okay, an ounce
Of-, of your best sh*t *Pause* My-, my best- what?
Yeah, (What?) yeah, like your best sh*t, like
What're you talkin' about, bro Um, hmm, um
I'm con-, I'm confused, I'm lost a little You h-
You have, like, weed, right? Yeah, tha-, yes, th-, bro
That's what I said, that's what I came here for (Okay, okay, like, can you um-)
What strain do you want? Can you maybe give me, like, um
Some, like, Mary Jane? That strain? *Pause*
Man, what? Mary Jane? Br-, alright, now you gotta be a fed
You gotta be a cop, bro (No, no, no, no, no)
I'm, I'm gettin' the f*ck outta here, c'mon (Okay, no, no, no, no, no)
Du-du-du-du-dude, wait, wa-wa-wait, wa-wa-wait, before you go
Just, like- What, bro? Can I get, like, uh... um
What? How much can you do for a gram? A gram of-
A gram of what, bro? A gram of what? Dude! Any type of weed, dude
I jus-, I-, dude, like, I'm really fiending right now, dude, I really, ju-, du- Bro
Like, my nic ran out, dude Okay I literally-, I- (Okay)
Dude, I literally just need weed right now (Yeah, yeah, okay, bro)
Alright, look, look, look, bro, here, here's some Apple Frider, just
*Bag being passed*
Take this, it's a gram Th-, uh, wha-, dude!
Thank you so much, dude! I-, uh, I don't know how much a gram usually is
Like, how You don't? How much-
How much should I pay for this? Uh... *Chuckles*
Can you do, like, can you do, like, 70 bucks? (*Clears throat, sniffles*)
Yeah, du-, no, dude, absolutely, I can do 70 dollars, my man
I, ha, here!, Jus- Yeah Here, ju-, here just take it
Here Alright, yeah, thank you, I promise, this sh*t top toch, like, you
Aww, dude You gon' be satisfied, bro, trust me
Thank you, thank you, man, I-, really, I-, I appreciate it (Yeah)
Yeah, yeah, I love you, man Stay smoove, bro, I'll see you
Okay, alright, yeah, I'll see you, man (*Car engine starts*)
*Car pulls off*
*Relieved sigh* Well, time to go indulge in the chemical known as THC
Hope this was worth the 70 dollars that I paid him for a gram
This is, God, man, he's got such good deals
Like, what a friendly guy! Alright, well, I should get going back home
Do-do-doo, do-do-doo, I just got myself a weed
Do-do-doo, do-do-doo, a gram is all I need