User Interview: black_powr lyrics



rexington91: Ok bro, let’s start with something easy. Tell me a little bit more about you.

black_powr: Aight, well I’m 18 years old, I’m in my first year of university. I love music and art. There’s not much to me, to be honest. What else you wanna know? I’m black, if that wasn’t already obvious from my name. I grew up all around the world but I’m technically Canadian. I’m a Christian, have been since I was super young

rexington91: That’s awesome bro! I have some friends from canada. Bro, how did you get started on Genius?

black_powr: Oh that’s sick dude. well I’ve been using genius for a long one now, since it was still just called rap genius but I only made an account and started contributing like 2 years ago. it was perfect cause I love learning the lyrics and meaning to songs but there were quite a few songs that I listened to that weren’t up or were just wrong so I decided why not transcribe them myself y'know?

rexington91: I totally get that bro. I have loved the work you have especially done on Aha Gazelle’s albums. That’s how I first discovered you. Also, funny cause that is when I started to do stuff on Genius. Can you tell me is there anything special about your username?

black_powr: Haha yea, I made that username first for my Instagram (shameless plug) back in 2014 cause I wanted something that sounded cool and I was also really getting into Black history at that time and black_power was already taken so I took out the ‘e’ and now I use it for everything

rexington91: Noice dude! Okay, what are the top 10 albums or artists that have influenced you the most?

black_powr: Damn, top ten. I think top ten artists would have to be Chance the rapper, Lecrae, Kendrick, J. Cole, John Givez, Childish Gambino, Tommy Revenge, KB, Kanye, and maybe Aha. For albums I’d have to say To Pimp a Butterfly, Good kid maad city, All things Work Together, 4 your eyes only, revenge forever, Because the Internet, Acid Rap, Colouring Book, Life of Pablo and Soul Rebel

rexington91: Oooh I love some of the older John Givez as well! All those artists are legends to be sure. What are your thoughts on Streaming vs. buying of music?

black_powr: I think streaming is definitely the way things seem to be going. it’s easier for people to use cause they have more access to music but for artists it doesn’t seem like an incredibly viable source of income unless you are bringing in large numbers of streams. as far as I know, the payment scheme for artists from places like Spotify isn’t very lucrative for smaller artists but I think it’s currently better than buying music because most people I know don’t even buy music anymore.

rexington91: I feel you. Personally, I feel that, especially for smaller, it’s good to start buying their music so that they can get more attention. Now, I assume you are into Christian Hip Hop, correct? If so, what is your opinion on Christian Rapper and a Rapper who is Christian?

black_powr: Yea I personally think whatever you want to identify as is fine. to me, a “Christian rapper” is usually someone who raps mainly for church or for Christians, they are very explicit in their music and it’s kind of preaching. whereas a rapper who is Christian is just a rapper and I feel like they’re more able to rap about anything. there are less limitations on them and obviously because they are Christian, it’ll come up in the music but, they aren’t catering to Christians and don’t need to mention scripture in every song. A rapper who is Christian is led more by their life and emotions and experiences in their music
and Christian rappers have an agenda to preach the Gospel. As long as you’re making good music though, I don’t care what you call yourself
rexington91: Bro, that’s very interesting. Obviously, the topic is extremely controversial, no doubt. I tend to feel differently on the topic, as I feel we should let our faith come out in all our music. That means morals and such. That’s my opinion though, and I can respect your thoughts. Speaking of rap, thoughts on Black Panther and its soundtrack?

black_powr: Yea that’s fair, I understand where you’re coming from. The Black Panther was incredible in my opinion. it was really interesting and exciting to see someone like Kendrick’s interpretation of the movie and story. The movie itself was incredible.
It was really great as a black person to see a movie that represented black people in a positive way and I just connected to the movie was executed quite well and I could understand the perspective of both Killmonger and T'Challa which just speaks to the time taken in writing the movie.
Sorry that answer was hella long haha

rexington91: No, that was awesome. I personally loved the film! The backstory of Killmonger and everything. Besides rap, what other genres of music do you enjoy?

black_powr: I like to listen to R&B or like soul/neo-soul stuff occasionally, not so much that I know artists and stuff but I’ll throw on a playlist or something. also Jazz is something that comes up now and again.

rexington91: Interesting. I like R&B as well. On a different note (no pun intended), do you have any experience with musical instruments?

black_powr: Haha yea I’ve had a little bit of experience but nothing substantial. I played the saxophone in grade 5, I took piano lessons for a year but I don’t remember much of it. And like probably every child I played the recorder in elementary. But yea I can’t play any instruments right now.

rexington91: Noice on the saxophone part. Okay, if you could renew any tv show, what would it be?

black_powr: I think I’d definitely have to say The Office US. That is hands down the funniest show I’ve ever watched and the show I’ve been the most invested in. If you don’t like the office, something is wrong hahah

rexington91: Mmmm, I’m sorry, but Parks and Rec is the funnier show lol. Okay, in your opinion which is better: Xbox or Playstation?

black_powr: Don’t worry, I’ll be praying for you. I think I’d say Xbox, mainly cause that’s what I have

rexington91: Totally get you. I personally am playstation, but that’s really just cause that’s what I first got. Also, the prayers are mutual buddy lol. Okay, If you had a the choice to go one place, where would you go in the whole world?

black_powr: Hmm, I think I’d have to say Brazil, cause I’ve never been to South America and the culture down there is so vibrant and has so much history. it’d be great to go and experience that.
rexington91: Bro, I feel you. I’ve heard so much about the culture down there. Okay, what is your preferred type of art besides music?

black_powr: Easily graphic design, it’s like painting of the future, no disrespect to painting. I just love the huge scope of things you’re able to create with just a laptop, Photoshop and a mouse. I’ve actually gotten into doing graphic design myself.

rexington91: Duuuuuuuude I love Graphic Design as well. In fact, that is my major lol. Bruh, can you speak a language?
Well, two languages?

black_powr: Nah man, just English for me. Well I do know a little bit of Spanish but I’m not fluent or anything. Just like highschool level lol. But at some point I’d like to get back in and learn then language.

rexington91: Noice! Sorry for the long delay. Here is the last question: what album are you most hype about dropping right now?

black_powr: Damn, I would say J. Cole but he just dropped so it’d probably have to be either John Givez project, or Andy Mineo’s new joint. They are both amazing creative artists and a new project from either of them would be legendary.
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