In a certain mill lived an old miller who had neither wife nor child,
and three apprentices served under him. As they had been with him
several years, he one day said to them, "I am old, and want to sit
behind the stove. Go out, and whichsoever of you brings me the best
horse home, to him will I give the mill, and in return for it he
shall take care of me till my death."
The third of the boys, however, was the dunce, who was looked on as
foolish by the others, they begrudged the mill to him, and afterwards
he would not even have it. Then all three went out together, and
when they came to the village, the two said to stupid Hans, "You may
just as well stay here, as long as you live you will never get a
horse." Hans, however, went with them, and when it was night they
came to a cave in which they lay down to sleep. The two smart ones
waited until Hans had fallen asleep, then they got up, and went away
leaving him where he was. And they thought they had done a very
clever thing, but it was certain to turn out ill for them.
When the sun rose, and Hans woke up, he was lying in a deep cavern.
He looked around on every side and exclaimed, "Oh, heavens, where am
I?" Then he got up and clambered out of the cave, went into the
forest, and thought, "Here I am quite alone and deserted, how shall I
obtain a horse now?" Whilst he was thus walking full of thought, he
met a small tabby-cat which said quite kindly, "Hans, where are you
going?" "Alas, you can not help me." "I well know your desire," said
the cat. "You wish to have a beautiful horse. Come with me, and be
my faithful servant for seven years long, and then I will give you
one more beautiful than any you have ever seen in your whole life."
"Well, this is a strange cat," thought Hans, "But I am determined to
see if she is telling the truth."
So she took him with her into her enchanted castle, where there were
nothing but kittens who were her servants. They leapt nimbly
upstairs and downstairs, and were merry and happy. In the evening
when they sat down to dinner, three of them had to make music. One
played the bass viol, the other the fiddle, and the third put the
trumpet to his lips, and blew out his cheeks as much as he possibly
could. When they had dined, the table was carried away, and the cat
said, "Now, Hans, come and dance with me." "No," said he, "I won't
dance with a pus*y cat. I have never done that yet." "Then take him
to bed," said she to the cats. So one of them lighted him to his
bed-room, one pulled his shoes off, one his stockings, and at last
one of them blew out the candle. Next morning they returned and
helped him out of bed, one put his stockings on for him, one tied his
garters, one brought his shoes, one washed him, and one dried his
face with her tail. "That feels very soft," said Hans.
He, however, had to serve the cat, and chop some wood every day, and
to do that, he had an axe of silver, and the wedge and saw were of
silver and the mallet of copper. So he chopped the wood small,
stayed there in the house and had good meat and drink, but never saw
anyone but the tabby-cat and her servants. Once she said to him, "Go
and mow my meadow, and dry the grass," and gave him a scythe of
silver, and a whetstone of gold, but bade him deliver them up again
carefully. So Hans went thither, and did what he was bidden, and
when he had finished the work, he carried the scythe, whetstone, and
hay to the house, and asked if it was not yet time for her to give
him his reward. "No," said the cat, "you must first do something
more for me of the same kind. There is timber of silver, carpenter's
axe, square, and everything that is needful, all of silver - with
these build me a small house." Then Hans built the small house, and
said that he had now done everything, and still he had no horse.
Nevertheless the seven years had gone by with him as if they were six
months. The cat asked him if he would like to see her horses. "Yes,"
said Hans. Then she opened the door of the small house, and when she
had opened it, there stood twelve horses, - such horses, so bright
and shining, that his heart rejoiced at the sight of them. And now
she gave him to eat and drink, and said, "Go home, I will not give
you your horse now, but in three days, time I will follow you and
bring it." So Hans set out, and she showed him the way to the mill.
She, however, had never once given him a new coat, and he had been
obliged to keep on his dirty old smock, which he had brought with
him, and which during the seven years had everywhere become too small
for him. When he reached home, the two other apprentices were there
again as well, and each of them certainly had brought a horse with
him, but one of them was a blind one, and the other lame. They asked
Hans where his horse was. "It will follow me in three days, time."
Then they laughed and said, "Indeed, stupid Hans, where will you get
a horse?" "It will be a fine one." Hans went into the parlor, but the
miller said he should not sit down to table, for he was so ragged and
torn, that they would all be ashamed of him if any one came in. So
they gave him a mouthful of food outside, and at night, when they
went to rest, the two others would not let him have a bed, and at
last he was forced to creep into the goose-house, and lie down on a
little hard straw.
In the morning when he awoke, the three days had passed, and a coach
came with six horses and they shone so bright that it was delightful
to see them - and a servant brought a seventh as well, which was for
the poor miller's boy. And a magnificent princess alighted from the
coach and went into the mill, and this princess was the little
tabby-cat whom poor Hans had served for seven years. She asked the
miller where the miller's boy and dunce was. Then the miller said,
"We cannot have him here in the mill, for he is so ragged, he is
lying in the goose-house." Then the king's daughter said that they
were to bring him immediately. So they brought him out, and he had
to hold his little smock together to cover himself. The servants
unpacked splendid garments, and washed him and dressed him, and when
that was done, no king could have looked more handsome. Then the
maiden desired to see the horses which the other apprentices had
brought home with them, and one of them was blind and the other lame.
So she ordered the servant to bring the seventh horse, and when the
miller saw it, he said that such a horse as that had never yet
entered his yard. "And that is for the third miller's boy," said she.
"Then he must have the mill," said the miller, but the king's
daughter said that the horse was there, and that he was to keep his
mill as well, and took her faithful Hans and set him in the coach,
and drove away with him.
They first drove to the little house which he had built with the
silver tools, and behold it was a great castle, and everything inside
it was of silver and gold, and then she married him, and he was rich,
so rich that he had enough for all the rest of his life. After this,
let no one ever say that anyone who is silly can never become a
person of importance.