by UglyFace
Alright generational curses
In a thousand years
Nothing that any of us does is going to matter
So in that light, it's like
You have one life
Live it how you want to live it
Define your own success
Define your own happiness
Because if you're not happy inside
Nothing outside of your body is going to make you happy
Because you're always going to want more
But then also that gives somebody else
The ability to take your happiness from you
If that car makes you happy
And I take that sh*t no more happiness for you, right?
When you get that time
When you get that money to do whatever you want
F–k anybody's definition of what you should be doing
It's on you
What are you guys' thoughts on any of that?
I used to believe in like the generational curses and sh*t
But as of recent
I think I changed my mind on that sh*t
How so?
Well, bro, if there's a problem and I can identify it
Then I should stop b*tchin and blaming other people
And f*ckin fix it
Like my parents, they got to a certain point
It's up to me to push it further
So why am I complaining instead of working?
sh*t you can't help is like what race you are
And what advantages you were given as a kid or not
I used to work with this dude, this Mexican dude
He always used to say that sh*t
You grew up poor, right?
But now you can go do what the f*ck you want to do
That's his thought process, not saying to me specifically
But it's like, bro, so if you're
Dude, if you grew up poor and you're poor at 25
That's f*ckin you, bro
I'm not hearing that sh*t
Get up off your ass and go work
To that extent, I f*ck with that
I feel that
How many people say they want to do something
And then they come
And then they're not really doing the f*ckin work?
Or you allow yourself to f*ckin cut corners
And do sh*t that you shouldn't be doing
And that's a personal problem
You know what I mean?
It's like, bro, my sh*t f*cked up over here
Not because I'm Black, not because of anything
But literally because I'm not paying attention to it
And then it's like, okay, I see this person spends their money there
This person spends their money there or this, that, and the third
But what's that value for me?
Cars and clothes and shoes
I know that kind of sh*t has no value for me
But I know I need money as a resource
To be able to do whatever I want to do every single day
And that's pretty much be left the f*ck alone
Work on music, and put out that kind of sh*t to the world
But that's bigger than any of us
It's about connecting with other people
But how the f*ck am I connecting to you
If I don't even know how to connect to myself?