Much To Worry About lyrics
by Dave Chappelle
That's the thing. There’s so many stuff-- there's just so much stuff to worry about. You know, the more you know, the more you don't know and sh*t. You know. Like a lot of people are telling me, "Dave, you know, you just gotta relax. That racism thing has been bugging you too much."
I’ll be thinking about it. Sometimes sh*t will happen-- you know, a lot of Black people will relate to this. Have you ever had something happen that was so racist that you didn't even get mad?
It's like, "Goddamn. That was rac-- that was racist."
I mean it was so blatant, you were just like "Wow!"
Like you were almost like, it didn't even happen to you. It was like a f*cking movie. That was-- like you were just watching Mississippi burning: "Wooow."
That happened to me. I was the end of Mississippi. I was in Mississippi doing a show, and I go to the restaurant to order some food. And, I say to the guy-- I say:
"I would like to have..." And before I even my sentence, he says:
I was like, "What the... f*ck."
I could not believe it. I could not believe that sh*t.
This man was absolutely right. I said, "How did he know... that I was going to get some chicken?"
I asked him. I said, "How did you know that?
How did you know I was going to get some chicken?"
He looked at me like I was crazy. He said, "Come on, buddy. COME ON, BUDDY.
Now everybody knew that as soon as you walked through the goddamn door... you were gonna get some chicken.
It ain't no secret down here that Blacks and chickens are quite fond of one another."
And then I finally understood what he was saying, and I got upset.
I wasn't even mad. I was just upset. I wasn't ready to hear that sh*t.
All these years, I thought I liked chicken because it was delicious. Turns out I'm genetically predisposed to liking chicken.
That sh*t is whack.
I got no say in the matter. That guy ruined chicken for me. I’m scared to eat it in public. I don’t-- I don't want someone to see me and say something. You know what I mean? You’ll be eating some chicken:
(CRUNCH) (crunch) (crunch-crunch)
"Look at him.
He loves it.
Just like it said in the encyclopedia.
Look how happy he looks."
(CRUNCH) (crunch)