Things to Like and Not Like in America lyrics
by Nick Hakim & Roy Nathanson
Some stuff to like in America
Some stuff to like in America
Some stuff to like in America
Some stuff to like in America
A patch of grass off the I-80 entrance ramp
An ironic memory offered at a
Jersey funeral
A patch of grass on the highway's shoulder
A lovely lawyer sings the 21st psalm
A hearse that stops beyond a light
A gas station, abandoned on the right
An honest observation
Made in eulogy
Stuff not to like in America
Stuff not to like in America
Stuff not to like in America
All the junk that's said bеfore or after that funeral
Thе details in the rocks of our country's schizophrenic body
The parts of the
Interstate where blood red rock is obscured by a metal fence
How soft-hearted kids are put in hard-hearted hearses
How even death don't get a proper funeral
Stuff to like and not to like in America
Just so much stuff not to like in America
So much stuff so much stuff so much American stuff