Home Sweet Pineapple lyrics


SpongeBob SquarePants

[The episode begins with several nematodes jumping.]
Nematodes: Walking, walking, walking, walking. [continue to repeat "walking"]
Nematode #1: Hungry!
Nematodes: Hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry. [continue to repeat "hungry." All eat a whole large piece of coral]
Nematode #1: Still hungry!
Nematodes: Still hungry, still hungry, still hungry, still hungry. [continue to repeat "still hungry." All eat a truck that drives by, leaving Fred, who is driving at the time, afloat]
Fred: Aw, dang nematodes!
Nematode #1: Thirsty!
Nematodes: Thirsty, thirsty, thirsty, thirsty. [continue to repeat "thirsty." They all bounce to SpongеBob's house and take out some straws. Thеn start drinking up the pineapple house. SpongeBob and Gary are still sleeping as various items in the bedroom shrink out of existence, including a treasure chest, Gary's food bowl, and the foghorn alarm clock]
Gary: Meow. [the rest of the room begins to shrink as SpongeBob wakes up]
SpongeBob: Hooray, Gary! We're finally huge! [the room shrinks again, and the bed disappears, leaving SpongeBob on the floor]
Gary: Meow.
SpongeBob: Huh? Wait a minute. [cut to the outside, where the nematodes are still drinking the pineapple] Oh no! [runs into the living room. He squeezes through the shrinking doorway and gets launched into the wall. Gary also gets stuck in the door as he slithers in]
Gary: Meow!
SpongeBob: [crashes into the wall, flipping the side table over. The phone lands on his lap] Ow. Shell phone! I know. [while quickly dialing] I'll call Squidward. He'll know what to do.
Squidward: [on the other line] Hello?
SpongeBob: Squidward!
Squidward: Is it time already for you to ruin my day?
SpongeBob: Squidward! Help me! [SpongeBob's phone starts shrinking as he tries to explain what's going on] My house is shrinking, I woke up this morning and it was getting smaller and [cut back to Squidward in his bed. SpongeBob's voice sounds fast and high-pitched as a result of his phone shrinking] smaller and the walls are closing in on me, Squidward, Gary is terrified too! [SpongeBob's phone disappears, and the phone call is disconnected] [regular-paced normal voice] Oh no!
Squidward: Yep, it is. [SpongeBob screams]
Patrick: [comes out from his rock] Huh? Is it time already to ruin Squid's day? [peels off his rock and falls on his furniture, then jumps out with a tuxedo and top hat on] Hey, SpongeBob, don't start without me!
[The nematodes continue sucking on SpongeBob's house, then they all burp and leave.]
SpongeBob: Ohh... nematodes. [sees a seed on the ground, then picks it up] The only thing left of my house is this little pebble. [Patrick and Squidward walk up]
Squidward: What's going on here?
SpongeBob: I've got bad news, guys! Look at what happened to my house! It's gone! [sadly] It's all gone. What am I going to do? Where am I going to live?
Squidward: [smiling] Yeah...
Patrick: [his eyes pop-out in surprise] Hey, SpongeBob, your house is gone!
Squidward: Well, what can I say? [begins to shake SpongeBob's hand] It's been great knowing you, SpongeBob. Good luck, somewhere else. [walks back to his house as he continues talking sarcastically] I'm gonna miss you. Boo-hoo. Boo-hoo. [party favors fly out Squidward's windows as he celebrates] Boo-hoo! Boo-haha! Boo-hoo![starts to laugh]
Patrick: Squid's taking it real hard. What are you gonna do now?
SpongeBob: I guess I'll have to move back with my mom and dad. [cut to a picture of SpongeBob's parents smiling]
Patrick: No, wait a minute, no you don't. [cut back to the picture of SpongeBob's parents, now frowning] We can build you a new house!
SpongeBob: We can't build a house!
Patrick: Well, sure, it's easy! I built my house all by myself! [the antenna on Patrick's rock falls off]
SpongeBob: Alright, Patrick, lets get to work!
[Bubble transition to later in the daytime. The screen zooms in on SpongeBob and Patrick as construction workers. SpongeBob holds a screwdriver, while Patrick holds a hammer.]
Patrick: [attempts to hit a nail into a board but hits his hand instead] Ow! Ow! Ow!
[Meanwhile, SpongeBob takes two buckets of paint, one red and one green. He pours the red paint on his backside and pours the green paint on his front side. He puts one side on a fence so that the paint gets on it, and then he does the other side the same way. He does this twice. As he uses a wrench to tighten a loose bolt, the screen turns every time SpongeBob tightens the bolt sending Patrick sliding, falling upside down towards the sky, then back onto the ground right side up. SpongeBob nails pieces of wooden boards together in midair, and a piece falls off and lands on Patrick's hand, leading him to say "Ow!" each time. Patrick moves his board under the next board, which falls down on his hand. This happens several times. The scene later fades in to show SpongeBob's finished house, albeit smaller, shown also with sparkles]
Patrick: [gives a big thumbs up with bandages wrapped around his thumb] We're done!
SpongeBob: Yeah! So what do you think?
Patrick: [SpongeBob's built house sparkles a little] I wish I lived there.
SpongeBob: Really?
Patrick: No! [SpongeBob puts the small pineapple on his head]
SpongeBob: One bedroom. [nose sticks out through the door and the pineapple breaks into pieces]
Patrick: Tartar sauce.
SpongeBob: [pets Gary] Well, looks like we've got to move back with Mom and Pop.
Patrick: Well, you can't move back in with your parents! When my parents kicked me out of the house, I never went back. Wait! You and Gary can come stay with me!
SpongeBob: That'd be great!
Patrick: Yeah! We'll be rockmates!
[Bubble transition to nighttime. SpongeBob and Patrick get ready to sleep under Patrick's rock]
Patrick: Good night, SpongeBob. [closes the rock]
SpongeBob: Good night, rockmate.
Gary: [atop the rock] Meow.
SpongeBob: Good night, Gary. [SpongeBob goes to sleep snoring but then is awaken to Patrick's loud snoring] Oh...what the...?
[Patrick drools while snoring. Gary hides in his shell shivering while the wind is blowing. SpongeBob puts a cork in each side of his head and goes back to sleep. The wind continues to blow and Patrick shivers; he then pulls the rock closer to him. But SpongeBob shivers in the cold and pulls it back over himself. Gary sits on top of the rock as the two keep pulling it back and forth until Patrick keeps the rock closer to him. SpongeBob gets cold and he covers himself with sand on and goes to sleep. Patrick starts drooling heavily, filling his mouth, and flows like a stream over to SpongeBob. As SpongeBob snores, he absorbs the drool coming from Patrick and becomes a fat sponge. He waddles over to Patrick and removes the corks, spilling Patrick's drool out of him and down-sizing him to normal size. Then he takes out a bigger cork and puts it in Patrick's mouth and goes back to sleep. Patrick struggles to breathe, then spits out the cork.]
Patrick: [lifts rock and starts smashing SpongeBob with it in his sleep several times when the spiders don't wanna get them] Oh! Spiders! Spiders! Get 'em off me! Get 'em off me! Get 'em off! Get 'em off, off me! Off, off, off! [he then goes back to sleep]
SpongeBob: No, Patrick! No, Patrick! No, wake up! No, wake up! No, it's me! I'm SpongeBob! [moves out of the rock and away from it a few feet and goes back to sleep but then wakes up]
Patrick: Spiders! Spiders! [picks up his rock, runs over to SpongeBob, and smashes him repeatedly with the rock, the spiders can't get him again] Spiders! Get 'em off me! Get 'em off me!
SpongeBob: Ow, ow, ow, oh, oh, ow, ow, ow, ow! [shivers as Patrick goes back to sleep]
[The scene cuts to Squidward sleeping in his bedroom. SpongeBob, holding Gary, appears, standing next to Squidward.]
SpongeBob: [taps Squidward's nose repeatedly as he whispers] Squidward? Squidward?
Squidward: [sleepily] H-h-huh-huh?
SpongeBob: Squidward?
Squidward: [sleepily] Whoa. Huh? Wha-what?
SpongeBob: Squidward, could we stay here a couple of days or a month or two?
Squidward: [sleepily] Uh, yeah, wha-wha-whatever.
SpongeBob: Thanks. Thanks, Squidward. [gets in bed with Squidward] Squidward, could you scoot over a little?
Squidward: [sleepily] Uh, oh, yeah, sure. [scoots over to the side]
SpongeBob: Uh, while you're at it, can you give me a glass of water?
Squidward: [sleepily] Okay. Hmmm, yeah, sure. [Sleepily talks a bit, gets out of bed and walks off, then comes back with a glass of water]
SpongeBob: Yeah, this is a real swell place you got here. [Squidward hands SpongeBob the glass] Thanks, buddy.
Squidward: [sleepily] Uh-huh. Y-you're welcome. [SpongeBob drinks the water]
SpongeBob: Yeah, I like sleepovers.
Squidward: [sleepily] Yeah. Me, too.
SpongeBob: Yep, this is great. Good night, Squidward.
Squidward: [yawns] Good night, SpongeBob. [Squidward's eyes pop open realizing what he just did. Squidward opens the door angrily and SpongeBob and Gary walk out] [unhappy] Good night, SpongeBob.
[The scene cuts to Bikini Atoll at night then turns to day as the rooster crows to wake everyone up. Squidward opens his eyes excitedly.]
Squidward: Tum-ta-dum! Today's the big day, Squidward! Don't wanna be late! [he flies into his closet, gets dressed, and goes outside] Gotta hurry! Hold it! Hold everything! [SpongeBob and Patrick stand outside, with bags] I would not want to miss this. The day SpongeBob moves! I can't believe it's really happening.
SpongeBob: Don't worry, Squidward. I'll come visit you.
Squidward: Don't try to cheer me up, SpongeBob. [changes his smile to a frown briefly] Please.
SpongeBob: Here come my parents. [Patrick beings to cry and the car horn sounds as SpongeBob's parents drive up]
Mrs. SquarePants: SpongeBob! Hi, honey, we're here!
Mr. SquarePants: Come on, SpongeBob, hurry, hurry, son, your mother has dinner waiting.
SpongeBob: Hi, Mom.
Squidward: Hello, Mrs. SquarePants! Let me help you with these bags. [picks up the bags and carries them to the car]
SpongeBob: Just give me a minute. [As Patrick continues to cry in the background, SpongeBob walks back to where his house used to be.] I cannot hold onto you any longer, little pebble. [buries it into the ground in the middle of where his house used to be] You hold too many memories. [as he starts to cry, a tear falls from his nose and into the ground where the seed absorbs it, it then starts to glow. Then SpongeBob shakes Squidward's hand] Well, Squidward, this is goodbye. [walks away]
Squidward: Goodbye, SpongeBob, goodbye. [dances] Goodbye, SpongeBob. Bye-bye-bye. Goodbye, SpongeBob. Ha-ha. Goodbye, goodbye. [Patrick lies on the ground, bawling, as SpongeBob gets in the car]
Mrs. SquarePants: Come on, SpongeBob.
SpongeBob: Goodbye, Patrick. Goodbye, Bikini Bottom. [Patrick holds onto the back of the boat, lifting the front into the air, as he cries, begging for SpongeBob to stay.]
Squidward: [still dancing] SpongeBob is leaving. He's leaving, he's leaving! [the seed shakes violently] La, la, la, la, la, la, la ha ha ha ha! [the seed shakes even more violently] He leaving, ha ha! [seed still shakes, then it sprouts three roots] SpongeBob is leaving, he's leaving! [suddenly, the ground starts shaking. Squidward stops dancing, while SpongeBob, his parents and Patrick stare, bemused. A giant green stem grows out of the ground, SpongeBob's house grows from the plant and drops where his old house used to be and on Squidward. The stem then goes back into the ground]
SpongeBob: My house is back! [SpongeBob, his parents, and Patrick all happily run into the pineapple] Aww! Good old pineapple! It was exactly where it used to be! [continues praising all of the returned belongings he possessed in his original house. SpongeBob returns to Squidward buried under the floor] Aww, Squidward, isn't this great? I'm back forever!
Squidward: [muffled] Forever?
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