French Narrator: Well, well, what is this? Ah, the artist at sea. Let us watch and see the fruits of his struggle. Ah, it seems that inspiration has struck.
Artist: Hmm...ah! [draws some strokes. he hums something. however, he throws his pencil into the sea] My pencil! What?
French Narrator: The artist has learned the first lesson of the sea: Always bring a spare pencil.
Artist: NOOOOO!!! [with loudly sound. cut to the pencil dropping into the water. cut to SpongeBob and Patrick playing "Rock, Paper, Scissors" with bubbles]
SpongeBob: OK. Ready, Patrick?
SpongeBob: One...
Patrick: Two...
SpongeBob and Patrick: Three!
SpongeBob: Scissors beats paper, Patrick! [laughs]
SpongeBob: One...
SpongeBob and Patrick: two...
SpongeBob: three! Patrick, how come you always do paper? [the pencil drops and the two scream]
Patrick: What is that thing SpongeBob?
SpongeBob: It looks like a giant pencil.
Patrick: Go touch it.
[SpongeBob touches the pencil]
SpongeBob: It is a giant pencil, Patrick! Let's draw some giant pictures with it.
Patrick: Whatcha drawin'?
SpongeBob: Stand back, Patrick! I can't draw with you breathing down my neck!
Patrick: Psh, artists.
SpongeBob: It's a jellyfish.
Patrick: Pretty good, SpongeBob! But it's lacking basic construction, and your perspective leaves a lot to be desired.
SpongeBob: Eh, everybody's a critic.
[The drawing comes to life]
Patrick: SpongeBob, your drawing's coming to life!
SpongeBob: Now that's more like it, Mr. Critic!
Patrick: No, I mean it's swimming away!
SpongeBob: Do you know what this means, Patrick?
Patrick: Your art can never hang in a museum.
SpongeBob: It means we found a magic pencil!
Patrick: Now all I need is a magic mustache and all my dreams will have come true.
SpongeBob: [laughs] Coming right up! [draws mustache on Patrick]
Patrick: Life is good! [the mustache floats away] Easy come, easy go!
Squidward: Squidward, if you had some hair, you'd be the most gorgeous creature in the sea! You've got looks...talent...all you need is a full head of... [the mustache goes on his head] hair!
Patrick: My turn!
SpongeBob: Be careful, Patrick! Being an artist is a heavy responsibility. Each work of art is like a child and must be treated as such.
Patrick: Come on! I was just gonna draw a cartoon.
SpongeBob: Okay! Why didn't you say so? Hey! Another jellyfish!
Patrick: It's Squidward, silly!
[The badly drawn Squidward comes to life]
SpongeBob: It's kind of creepy looking when it moves.
Patrick: You're right, SpongeBob.
SpongeBob: We can't let it go into town! [Patrick erases it]
Patrick: Poor Squidward.
SpongeBob: Okay! My brain just hatched an idea. [he draws a dollar on Squidward's green mat, attached to a string while laughing] This is gonna be classic!
Squidward: [dressed up] I think I fancy a stroll around the park.
SpongeBob: [doorbell rings] Oh, Squidward!
Squidward: [opens door]What do you want? Hello, what's this? Someone left me money for a perm. Come to Hairy! [SpongeBob pulls the string] Ow! SpongeBob! Oh, my hair! [it floats away] SpongeBob!
SpongeBob: Wait! I've got another idea! This'll be the ultimate prank. I'll draw me, and when Squidward answers the won't be me! Aww, look at him. Ain't he a doll!? All he needs is a tie. [Draws a tie] Ready for action! [Laughing]
Patrick: He's going to the door.
SpongeBob: He's knocking on the door.
SpongeBob: Squidward's answering the door and...
[DoodleBob pounds Squidward's head on the ground]
Patrick: He's beating up Squidward!
SpongeBob: DoodleBoy, stop! [he throws Squidward back in his house. DoodleBob is out of control, he steals the magic pencil and then runs away with it]
Patrick: He's got the pencil.
SpongeBob: What have I done? We've got to find him! Where could he possibly be?
Patrick: Maybe he's in that poorly drawn pineapple.
SpongeBob: Come on, let's go! [Patrick hides in a bush]
Patrick: I'm not going in there [SpongeBob also hides]
SpongeBob: Come on, Patrick. I'm right behind you. Baby steps. Almost there... [DoodleBob draws a hole. They fall into it]
Patrick: What just happened?
DoodleBob: [nonsense]
SpongeBob: Come on, Patrick. Give me a boost up!
Patrick: Can't we just stay down here where it's safe?
SpongeBob: No way. I created this monster and I've got to stop him. [a wrench falls and hits Patrick]
SpongeBob: See what I mean, Patrick?
Patrick: Where's the leak, ma'am? [DoodleBob draws a bowling ball and rolls it. It hits Patrick and some pink bowling pins and a "strike" sign appears. Another then appears]
SpongeBob: You okay, Patrick?
Patrick: Finland!
DoodleBob: [nonsense. more nonsense]
SpongeBob: There he is.
Patrick: He's hideous. He makes me sick, just looking at him. Those big bulgy eyes, that square body, those two buck teeth, and that stupid tie!
SpongeBob: Eh hem.
Patrick: [blushes] Oh...but it looks good on you, SpongeBob! Heh heh.
SpongeBob: He's putting down the pencil! This is our chance. On the count of three, we'll jump out and surprise him!
Patrick: Oh boy, a surprise party! Is it his birthday?
[DoodleBob breaks through the rock SpongeBob and Patrick are hiding behind. DoodleBob grabs SpongeBob]
SpongeBob: Patrick! Patrick! Do something! [DoodleBob throws SpongeBob]
Patrick: Happy birthday! Here's your present. [DoodleBob bashes it on his head] You're welcome.
SpongeBob: Hold it right there, Doodle. I brought you into this world and now I'm gonna take you out. Any last words?
DoodleBob: [jibberish]
SpongeBob: I'm sorry, what was that?
DoodleBob: BEE HA, BALA HALA BA BA! [DoodleBob starts to shout more gibberish while SpongeBob erases his face. DoodleBob mutters then he hits a rock]
SpongeBob: Hold still, Doodle. This is for your own good. [begins to erase DoodleBob to oblivion] Take that and this and this and that and this that this that... [screaming] I AM SPONGEBOB, DESTROYER OF EVIL!!!!!!
Patrick: Take it easy, it's just a drawing.
SpongeBob: Well, that takes care of that, eh, Patrick?
Patrick: Done and done.
[When SpongeBob and Patrick go home, it is soon revealed that one of DoodleBob's arms is still alive]
SpongeBob: Gee, Gary, you should have been there! It sure was exciting, but you know, I kind of miss the little doodle. He was like a son to me. But I'm sure glad things are back to normal. Well, goodnight, sweet prince.
Gary: [with a crown on] Meow.
SpongeBob: Goodnight, magic pencil. [Falls asleep. DoodleBob's arm goes into SpongeBob's house, it starts going up the stairs and takes a bathroom break, finally he sneaks up to SpongeBob's bed, grabs the pencil, and starts to re-draw himself. He wakes up] Oh hey, Magic Pencil. What are you doing up? Drawing yourself a glass of water? [laughs] [Doodlebob pop up in his bed; SpongeBob screams] DoodleBob! [slightly chuckles] No hard feelings, right? [DoodleBob draws an angry look in his face] [screams] What do you think you're doing, doodle?
DoodleBob: You doodle! Me SpongeBob! [DoodleBob erases part of SpongeBob's house, they chase downstairs. DoodleBob erases a door...and the back of SpongeBob's pants, revealing his butt] Huh? [Erases his butt]
SpongeBob: [screams] Be careful with that thing! Who knows what will happen? [DoodleBob erases his nose] I nose. [DoodleBob erases some parts of his face and body, DoodleBob laughs at the way he looks now] Very funny, doodle. Now it's my turn. [When SpongeBob & DoodleBob struggle, the pencil breaks. SpongeBob has the lead and draws the rest of his face and body back] Well, doodle, it looks like this is a draw. [DoodleBob sharpens the pencil with his mouth. He now has both sides] You've made your point, no matter, I was voted most artistic in high school. [the lead piece flies out of his hand, crashes through the window and hits Squidward]
Squidward: [offscreen] Ow, SpongeBob, you're gonna pay for that!
SpongeBob: Or maybe it was most clumsy. [DoodleBob starts to attack him again as SpongeBob hides in a bookshelf, as Doodlebob approaches him he gets his foot stuck in a piece of paper on the floor, DoodleBob sees this and tries to get it off] Huh? [SpongeBob looks in a book] Paper! [DoodleBob tosses the pencil from his hand] Page for Mr. Doodle! [Smashes him with a notebook. SpongeBob watches as DoodleBob is preserved as a drawing, when it's was all over he smiles. The next day, SpongeBob hangs the piece of paper on the wall with a push-pin]
Patrick: Hey, SpongeBob, what's with all the ruckus?
SpongeBob: Take a look for yourself, Patrick.
Patrick: [Gasp!] It's the evil doodle!
SpongeBob: No, no, not evil. He was just a two-dimensional creature lost in our three-dimensional aquatic world longing for a purpose.
Patrick: So...he's a drawing?
SpongeBob: Exactly! See how happy he is?
Patrick: [He looks at the paper with Doodlebob on it] He still looks kind of creepy.
SpongeBob: Oh, great magic pencil, your powers are too mighty for us ocean dwellers. So I will send you back to the magic kingdom from where you came. Are you ready, Patrick?
Patrick: Ready! [SpongeBob jumps on Patrick's belly, and the pencil is launched back to the surface]
French Narrator: We rejoin the artist in a creative slump.
Artist: Huh? What's this? My pencil! [he draws a line, but the pencil breaks]
French Narrator: The second most important rule for the artist at sea: Always bring a pencil sharpener.
Artist: NOOOOO!!!